Farmers Market

Farmers Markets, Farms and Local Produce

Living next to a big city, one may think that to get to fresh food and farms, you would have to drive miles and miles. Luckily for us, this is not the case. There are plenty of opportunities to experience freshly picked, seasonal, nutritious, organic veggies. But where do we find out how to get them? You have found the place to search! Do you grow your own as well? Then check out the Gardening page!

UMD Dept of Agriculture Listing of Farmers Markets - DC/VA/MD:

USDA Site on Farmers Markets -

Check out the local Farmers Markets in our area. There are more, just need to get them to add their info to the page.

Want to know more? Then check out this wonderful site - This site was put together by two local activist.

Also, don't forget about Clagett Farm CSA (you can go and pick your own!)....

as well as South Mountain Creamery - Dairy, Beef, Cheese and more.