Hyattsville Environmental Committee

HEC YES Webpage (Link to City Page)

*This page is NOT an official City of Hyattsville website, rather it is put together by Citizens on the HEC committee for informational and idea sharing purposes. What you see is not necessarily the official position of the City of Hyattsville (although it should be!)

The general mission of the Environment Committee is to provide Council and staff recommendations regarding parks usage and maintenance, waste reduction / recycling, and sustainable practices. The Committee may establish work groups among the members to facilitate work in the areas of waste reduction and recycling, energy conservation, and tree plantings and native species protection, and is encouraged to communicate with other groups in the City that are addressing similar issues. The following actions are requested of the committee:

  • 1. Prepare for Council and Staff consideration a City plan that is in conformance with the recently signed Trash Free Potomac Treaty and that could serve as an application for EPA's Waste wise (waste reduction) program.

  • 2. Prepare for Council and Staff consideration a City action plan to improve the quality of our parks, increase the City's tree coverage, and expand the native plantings in throughout the City.

  • 3. Prepare for Council and Staff consideration guidelines and information that would lead to City and community actions that are less harmful to the environment than are current practices.

  • 4. Prepare for Council and Staff consideration guidelines and information that would lead to the City to participate in the Cool Cities program with innovative energy solutions that curb global warming, save tax payer dollars, and create healthier cities.