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Planning Meeting No. 2

15 November 2008

 Participants in the Second Reunion Planning Meeting

Clayton Bratcher, Jane Bratcher, Richard Clark, Marsha Clark, Jamey Duncan, Linda Duncan, Jerry Hammonds, Carolyn Hammonds, Marilyn Martin, Ken Martin, David McConnell, Jane McConnell, Doris Raymond, Eddy Raymond, Kaye Trisler, and Herb Trisler.

After the meeting Tommy Gwin joined us for dinner and the musical program at Granbury Live. We were all so sorry that Ann and Grady were not able to join us.


Planning Meeting No. 2 Minutes

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Report to the Planning Committee on Visit to Woodhaven Country Club


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Planning Meeting Pictures

(remember to click on a picture to make it larger)


We had a social time before having lunch.

 After lunch we had a brief birthday celebration for Kaye Trisler, Jamey Duncan, and other classmates that we may have missed.  To recognize everyone, we had one candle for Kaye, one candle for Jamey, and one candle on the cake for everyone else who has had a birthday.  You see we didn't want to leave any of our classmates out.  Curiously, no one spoke about how old anyone was.  Oh, well, but that's not really the important thing, is it?


Jerry was amazed at Jane's proposal that everyone be encouraged to bring their dogs to the reunion.  Linda just laughed at the idea, saying, "What about our cows and other farm animals?  Should we bring them?  It's a slippery slope, Jane.  Next people will want to bring their chickens."


 Jerry expressed his view that an agenda was just too restricting and hindered inspired, spontaneous expressions.  Linda and Marilyn couldn't accept such flagrant disregard for convention.  Linda moved that Jerry be censured.  Before a vote could be taken, Jerry apologized for his momentary lapse.


 Kaye was taking the minutes, but decided to wait until something was said that was worth writing down.  Meanwhile, Doris kept looking at the agenda wondering why we didn't actually follow it.


 Jamey awakened just after everyone took a break wondering where everyone went.


 The meeting was interrupted for a time while Jane, Linda, and Clayton listen to Marilyn explain how she was safeguarding the reunion funds.  It turned out that she keeps it under her mattress and hasn't even told Ken about it as an added means of security. 

[Webmaster:  I hope mentioning it here doesn't compromise her security system.]


 Richard taking center stage while David waits at the ready to write on the white board anything profound that Richard might say.  David ended up with a blank slate.


 Ken, Herb, & Eddy decided that this reunion planning stuff was making a mountain out of a mole hill and was just nothing to be concerned about.


Jane, Jerry, & Linda pondering the great issues being deliberated, like where were we going later for dinner.  Jerry just wouldn't pass the menu on to others to see.


After the meeting we drove to Granbury where we had dinner at the Alyia Mexican restaurant just off the courthouse square.

 The Alyia Mexican Restaurant



 The planning gang sans David, Ann, & Grady.  Well, somebody had to take the picture.


The planning gang sans Richard, Ann, & Grady.  Richard was now taking the picture.  Better to explain that than leave you wondering how David could be taking the picture while being in the picture, and, all the while, wondering what happened to Richard.  So now you know.


Herb still remains amazed that Kaye could have such witty, sophisticated, charming, and intelligent friends.


There were a couple of Ken and Marilyn look-alike stars on the program.  The similarities were amazing.  Marilyn still isn't sure if she took the right guy home with her.  [Webmaster:  That's probably why she never told Ken where she keeps the reunion funds.  Marilyn, if you ever see "Ken" in a profile shot, you'll know it's not the real Ken you brought home because the real Ken always looks straight into the camera.]


Jane told David, "If you take one more picture of me I'm going to sic my dog on you."  Clayton wanted no part of it saying, no way, the dog might catch something.  He's getting too old and his immune system may not be up to biting him.


 Jamey and Linda were having a great time.  They couldn't believe someone would actually sic their dog on a classmate just because he took their picture.  So there you have it; you think you know a person and then suddenly you find out you don't really know them after all.


Doris is still beaming that she had an alternative to marrying one of the Handley guys.  Go figger!  It just doesn't make any sense. The Handley guys had it all: intelligence, good looks, rugged brawniness.  Guess Doris wanted more.  I guess none of us could really compete with that Glenn Ford movie star look that Eddy has.


 Jerry, handsome devil, with his drop dead gorgeous wife, Carolyn.


Marsha & Richard with the hand of someone sitting behind them around Marsha's shoulder--sneaky devil.


Jane's first boyfriend was valedictorian of her class.  She thought David was going to be a suitable replacement.  Alas, she found out too late that it wasn't to be.


After all that planning work that he missed, Tommy was just about famished.  Well, he won't be after eating that week's worth of groceries.


After dinner we all attended Granbury Live to see the 50's Reunion musical program.

The Granbury Live Theater


Fiddling at its best!


The Handley High Class of 59 Reunion Planners Enjoying the 50's Reunion Program


That fella could really play the fiddle, perhaps not as well as Kaye, but he did well.


These two performers really entertained us.


Did we have a good time?  I think we did.


He did a good impersonation of Ray Charles.


A couple of the players did a special impersonation of Marilyn & Ken Martin.  Isn't it a remarkable likeness of them.  Who would ever guess?


They don't come prettier than our girls, do they?


Oh, well.  Here are the guys.  Not really much to say.  The gals seem to like them anyway.  Don't ask me why!


After the musical program we all drove back home.  As for me I wasn't really ready to call it a day and leave everyone.  It's just tooooooo much fun.  Isn't there something else we can plan?

~~~~~~~~ End:  Planning Meeting No. 2 ~~~~~~~~

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