
HHS Memories

By Richard Clark

     HELLO 1959 GREYHOUNDS! Do you remember giving Mr. Avery a hairpiece in class, and he actually wore it. What fun! One of the things that impressed me the most about our HHS education was the professionalism of our senior English teacher, Miss Odell. Thanks to her I was able to write well enough to pass college classes. Thank You, Miss Odell, for teaching us to write a term paper properly. Do you remember memorizing a hundred lines of poetry? What I remember the most about her was how she taught us Shakespeare. I think it was MACBETH or something like that (maybe you remember exactly what it was), and she would quote a passage from memory, turn around, walk to her desk, and about 30 seconds later the bell would ring to end class. She was some teacher; really, more like a college professor. She inspired me toward a teaching career.

     Do you remember all the times we dressed up formally to go to Band and Football banquets? I was always afraid of trying to pin the corsage on a girl’s formal. I remember the time after our junior banquet when a group of us went together out to the “then new” Amon G. Carter Airport, looked around, and then went to David Grammar’s house for a get together. Does anybody have a picture of that? Seems like we did take a group picture. Actually, the group picture is in our annual. Kaye Buckellew was my date that year. I remember showing off by buzzing the school while everyone was in class in my blue ‘53 Chevy with the loud twin exhaust pipes.

     Remember how we used to gather out on the front steps in the mornings before school started and catch up on the latest gossip and how your best girlfriend wore your letter jacket and your senior ring around her neck. I remember how Coach Mitcham had us do head-on tackle practice, and I was always afraid that I would have to tackle Milton Strange. Also, do you remember the time Coach made us run 1200 yards of wind sprints in practice? I wanted to be on our A Team and just wasn’t big enough and had to settle for the B team. How special the PEP Rallies were as Bunkie, Beverly, Marilyn, Jimmy, Kenneth, and Jack led the cheers while Coach Elliot gave the most inspirational pep-talks you have ever heard in your life, and the band played the “Handley Blues” with all of those special solos.

     Remember all of our Senior Activities? I remember asking Rae Beebe to go to the Senior Banquet at the Colonial Country Club, and she had lain out all day by her new swimming pool receiving the worst possible sunburn. She didn’t have a very good time at our Senior Prom because of that sunburn. Remember going to Rae’s house for our ring turning ceremony under the arch at the garden party. That is when I fell in love with Marsha leading to our marriage in 1962.

     We would really like for your to record some of the special memories that you recall on our special 1959 HHS website. Come on you Greyhounds, I know that you also have some special memories of our time at Handley High. Let’s hear from you.

~~~~~~ End:  HHS Memories by Richard Clark ~~~~~~

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