
Our Early Years

These are pictures of us before we went to Handley High and became famous.

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Handley Elementary School


Handley Elementary, 3nd Grade


Handley Elementary, 4rd Grade

Handley Elementary, 5th Grade


Handley Elementary, 6th Grade


Handley Elementary, 6th Grade


 Handley Elementary, 4th Grade, 1950-1951, Jean David Teacher

Handley Elementary, 5th Grade, 1951-1952, Emilie Fowler Teacher

Handley Elementary, 6th Grade, 1952-1953, Charles Evans Teacher

Handley Elementary, 6th Grade, 1952-1953 Graduation


Tater Hill

(a.k.a, Littles Elementary for those of you inclined to be a little uppity)

Littles 1st & 2nd Grades, 1947 - 1948

Why did she have to put me right out there on the end.  The only fella wearing short pants.  Oh, yes, now I remember.


Littles Elementary, 6th Grade, 1953

Littles 5 Room School House (with 6 grades)

Littles Auditorium

~~~~~~~~~~~ End: Our Early Years ~~~~~~~~~~~

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