
Handley High School Yearbooks

     In the near future this web page will have posted the Handley High School Yearbooks for the years 1959, 1958, 1957, 1956, 1955, and 1954.  Others may be added in the future as copies are made available for scanning.

Procedure for accessing the yearbooks:

    1.  Click on the respective yearbook link.

    2.  A new page will open that displays the yearbook.

    3.  Click on the File menu (at the upper left of the page) and choose          "Download Original"

    4.  The downloaded pages will likely be too small and another step will be required.  Right click on one of the pages and select "Save As."  When the "Save As" screen appears, a default file name will be highlighted.  Click on the "Save" button and the Adobe Acrobat version of the yearbook will be downloaded to your computer.  The file being downloaded is about 11 megabytes and, therefore, will take a minute or two depending upon the speed of your internet connection.

     5.  After the download is complete, the yearbook file should open automatically in your Acrobat Reader.  If not, locate the downloaded file on your computer and double click on the file name to open it for reading or printing.

Handley High School Yearbook for 1959

Handley High School Yearbook for 1958

(available soon)

Handley High School Yearbook for 1957

(available soon)

Handley High School Yearbook for 1956

(available soon)

Handley High School Yearbook for 1955

(available soon)

Handley High School Yearbook for 1954

(available soon)

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