WIKISPOOKS has marshalled evidence for the proposition that US-backed Apartheid Israel did 9-11 - it had the means, opportunity & motive (MOM)

Wikispooks in its own words: “ The purpose of WikiSpooks is to build a repository of documents about deep political structures and events, together with development of the information they contain through user contributed articles, additions, edits and discussion. Emphasis is on the period from about 150 years ago to the present, although analysis of events in earlier times, by way of illustration and understanding of how deep politics operates, is encouraged - a classic example would be the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 in England” (see: ).

Wikispooks on Israeli responsibility for the 9-11 atrocity: "When an event occurs that that fundamentally changes the dynamics of global geopolitics, there is one question above all others whose answer will most assuredly point to its perpetrators. That question is "Cui bono?". If those so indicted are in addition found to have had both motive and means then, as they say in the US, it's pretty much a slam-dunk.

And so it is with the events of 9/11.

Discounting the 'Official narrative' as the absurdity it so clearly is, there are just two organisations on the entire planet with the expertise, assets, access and political protection necessary to have both executed 9/11 and effected its cover-up to date (ie the means). Both are Intelligence Agencies - the CIA and Israel's Mossad - but only one had a compelling motive - Mossad. That motive dovetailed perfectly with the NeoconPNAC agenda, with it's explicitly stated need for "...a catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor" in order to mobilise US public opinion for already planned wars, the effects of which would be to destroy Israel's enemies.

This article marshals evidence for the proposition that "Israel did it"." [1].

{1}. Wikisppoks, “9-11: Israeli did it”: .