SYRMOPOULOS, Jay: "investigation into the collapse of the three World Trade Center towers on 9/11, published in Europhysics News... claims that “the evidence points overwhelmingly to the conclusion that all three buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition”"

Jay Syrmopoulos ( geopolitical analyst, freethinker, and ardent opponent of authoritarianism writing in both mainstream and independent media) (2016): “Over the past 15 years many highly respected academics and experts have come forward to challenge the official narrative on the collapse of the WTC towers forwarded by the U.S. government. The official government position holds that the collapse of all three towers was due to intense heat inside of the buildings.

But a new forensic investigation into the collapse of the three World Trade Center towers on 9/11, published in Europhysics News – a highly respected European physics magazine – claims that “the evidence points overwhelmingly to the conclusion that all three buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition.”

While many in the mainstream have attempted to label anyone questioning the official narrative as “tin foil hat” conspiracy theorist, many highly respected experts have come forward to lampoon the idea that the buildings collapsed due to the intense heat and fires following two terrorist-directed plane crashes”(Jay Syrmopoulos, "Fifteen Years Later, Physics Journal Concludes All Three WTC Towers Collapsed On 9/11 Due To Controlled Demolition”, Countercurrents, 17 September 2016: ).