KJELDSEN, Matt. US composer & writer: "the hundreds of lies, omissions, distortions, 'coincidences' and physical impossibilities that make up the official narrative of the events of 9/11"

Matt Kjeldsen in his own words: “I am a concerned composer from Austin. I occasionally comment about the manipulation of society by the media and so forth. My catalog of music is available through my website at www.knotrillyrecods.com ” (see: http://www.opednews.com/populum/authorspage.php?sid=3362&entry=&o=y ).

Matt Kjeldsen on official lying about 9-11 (2006): “The other night I had an extensive conversation with one of my best friends. This man is highly intelligent and moral. He is a writer, a journalist and a concerned American citizen. During the course of our conversation he told me his criticisms of my latest op ed piece, Pulling the 9/11 Lynch Pin. His main complaint seemed to be my insistence that 9/11 is not at all what the government says it was and, quite frankly, if the 'conspiracy theory' had any merit whatsoever, the mainstream media would be exposing it. Bloggers, such as yours truly, can say whatever they want, but journalists will research a subject and expose the truth. Fair enough. Even though the media is owned by huge corporations, there are honest, crackerjack journalists out there who will dig and fight in order to expose, the real story. However, I would counter, editors kneel at the alter of a corporate boss. The US is tied for 53rd in the world for press freedom with Botswana, Croatia and Tonga. http://www.rsf.org/article.php3?id_article=19388 . Rather than listing the hundreds of lies, omissions, distortions, 'coincidences' and physical impossibilities that make up the official narrative of the events of 9/11, facts that my good friend refuses to even look at, because he saw the planes hit the towers with his own eyes and knows what happened, I'd like to take a look at the mainstream media instead. Since a lie encompasses omissions and distortions, as well as the simple act of not telling the truth, I'm wondering what else the mainstream media is lying about to the American people… Needless to say, I could go on and on laying out the case against the 4th estate of journalism. It is fair to say that I disagree with my good friend, who claims that if there is a story, a crackerjack journalist will tell us about it. We are 53rd in the world in press freedom and falling and the government is targeting journalists and passing laws that countermand the Bill of Rights as if it were the most natural thing in the world. The press barely notices. How do I know about all of these things? Because, my fellow citizens, it is all available for discovery and verification on line. I will not wait and I would suggest that the world can't wait for the Washington Post or The Nation to tell us the real truth about anything. If a blogger tells you something about the poison fluoride in our water supply, I say google fluoride and see if what he/she is telling you has any merit. If you are waiting for a journalist to tell you what is real and what is not real, this blogger will tell you, the details of the critical events shaping our destinies are being systematically edited and the good people of this country are being blatantly lied to and deceitfully programmed.” [1].

[1]. Matt Kjeldsen, “What else is the Mainstream media lying about?”, OpEdNews, 22 November 2006: http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_matt_kje_061121_what_else_is_the_mai.htm .