KOHLS - Dr Gary G. Kohls MD, American medical doctor reviews the documentary “9-11 in the academic community” and why the truth about 9/11 is such a taboo subject

Dr Gary G. Kohls (American MD, holistic mental health expert and writer ) on the 9-11 false flag operation (2014): Thursday, Sept 11, 2014, was the 13th anniversary of the controlled demolitions – by obviously pre-planted high explosive and incendiary cutter charges – of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers 1, 2 and 7. From my and many other’s experiences over the past 13 years, I think that I can predict with a high degree of confidence that there will be no credible coverage by the corporate-controlled media on the known science that has totally disproved the Cheney/Bush administration’s conspiracy theory… For now, interested readers should consider researching the following psychological realities that will partially explain why the truth about 9/11 is such a taboo subject: Cognitive Dissonance: the psychological discomfort one feels when faced with new information that contradicts deeply held beliefs that are now suddenly proved to be false, Denial, “Obedience to “ (Stanley Milgram’s seminal book), “1984” and George Orwell’s concept of Doublethink (the capacity to hold two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously and accept them both), Groupthink (“running with the pack”), Denial, Conformity, and the fear of challenging a “sacred myth” – and thus being ostracized by the bamboozled majority. [1].

[1]. Gary G. Kohls, “New documentary on September 11, 2001 “False Flag”: “9-11 in the academic community” Review”, Global research, 10 September 2014: http://www.globalresearch.ca/new-documentary-911-in-the-academic-community/5400702 .

Dr Gary G. Kohls (a member of Medical Professionals for 911 Truth) (2019): The question posited by the title of this article, explores the dilemma faced by truth-seekers who have the facts that totally refute the Big Lies about 9/11/2001 about which the mainstream media, their elected representatives in Congress, their presidents and the Deep State refuse to debate. These “9/11 Truthers” have been unfairly labeled “conspiracy theorists” (a pejorative term invented by the CIA after the John F. Kennedy assassination in 1963 raised all sorts of skepticism doubting the official story blaming “the single shooter”). This courageous group of truth-seekers have been attempting to inform and enlighten individuals and institutions that have chosen to disregard and/or disbelieve the overwhelmingly documentable evidence that proves that pre-planted controlled demolition charges – and not airplanes – pulverized into fine dust the three WTC towers on 9/11/01. The corollary of course is that the three towers could not have been demolished by anybody other than insiders using explosives. Given that the alleged planes that allegedly hit 2 of the towers were commercial planes (that of course contained no explosives), no other conclusion can be drawn than that the explosives that brought down the three skyscrapers had been pre-planted in the manner of classical controlled demolitions, which are the only way that concrete, steel-reinforced, high-rise buildings can be efficiently demolished. It is obvious to many folks who were alive and aware in the era of the assassinations of the 1960s (the Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King) that 9/11/01 was a false flag operation that has seriously (and intentionally, according to the Project for the New American Century – google it) destabilized the Middle East and the world and justified the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. And, of course the rapid passage of the Patriot Act by the bamboozled US Congress ensured that the United States took another step closer to becoming an armed police state, by seriously curtailing the civil liberties of its citizens” (Gary G. Kohls, “9/11 truth – why do good people become silent about the documented facts that disprove the official 9/11 narrative”, Global Research, 6 September 2019: https://www.globalresearch.ca/why-do-good-people-become-silent-about-documentable-facts-disprove-official-white-house-conspiracy-theories-about-911/5688109 ).