JAMAL, Eresh Omar. Bangladeshi journalist: "Anyone who is even barely informed knows by now that the “official 9/11 story” is a complete fantasy. The event did, however, provide the US government with a “catastrophic and catalysing event like a new pearl harbour”"'

Eresh Omar Jamal (an editorial assistant at New Age, a leading English daily newspaper in Bangladesh, with training in Financial and Business Economics from York University, Canada): “Anyone who is even barely informed knows by now that the “official 9/11 story” is a complete fantasy. The event did, however, provide the US government with a “catastrophic and catalysing event like a new pearl harbour”… It seems that Washington is clearly setting the Saudis up to take the fall should the 9/11 cover-up start to unravel even further, as evident from the New York Times’ “new narrative” (which had already been popularised by the alternate media). The Saudis, it seems, can already see the guns being pointed at its direction. That is why the Saudi press had published that [US did 9-11] piece in the first place. All of this has the potential to finally bring an end to the strategic alliance between Washington and Saudi Arabia which has brought so much death and destruction to the world and, with it, bring the official 9/11 story come crashing down on its head. So, is the “official 9/11 story” coming apart at the seams? Given the amount of suffering that has been brought to so many innocent people around the world based on that false story by its authors, one can only hope so. For those of you who feel the same way, please spread the word, and share this article, and help the “official 9/11 story” come apart at the seams, as it should have, a long time ago” (Eresh Omar Jamal, “Is The “Official 9/11 Story” Coming Apart At The Seams?”, Countercurrents, 10 June, 2016: http://www.countercurrents.org/jamal100616.htm ).