GORE, Al. Former US Vice President: "These affirmative and repeated refusals to listen to clear warnings [prior to 9-11] constitute behaviour that goes beyond simple negligence. At a minimum, it represents a reckless disregard for the safety of the American people [and at a maximum?]"

Al Gore (author of “An Inconvenient Truth”, Nobel Peace prize winner with the IPCC in 2007, , former US Vice President under Bill Clinton, and denied the presidency in the 2000 election by the Supreme Court vote and Florida ballot rigging) on Bush failure to act on intelligence warnings in which “the entire warning system was “blinking red”” (2007) : “Our top priority should be preserving what America represents and stands for in the world and winning the war against terrorism first. The Bush White House has asked us to concentrate exclusively on this threat. Tragically, however, they completely failed to protect us against the worst terrorist attack in American history. Most Americans have tended naturally to give the Bush-Cheney administration the benefit of the doubt when it came to its failure to take action in advance of 9/11 to guard against an attack. After all, everyone knows from experience that hindsight casts a harsh light on mistakes that should have been visible at the time they were made. But now, years later, with the benefit if investigations that have been made public, it is no longer clear that the administration deserves this act of political grace from the American people… The CIA was also picking up on unprecedented warning that an attack on the United States by [formerly US-funded] Al Qaeda was imminent. Indeed, George Tenet wrote that the entire warning system was “blinking red”. We also know from Bob Woodward’s reporting, and from confirming evidence, that CIA chief George Tenet was frantically trying to communicate the same warnings in June and July 2001 to Bush’s national security adviser Condoleezza Rice, and that he was blown off. These affirmative and repeated refusals to listen to clear warnings constitute behavior that goes beyond simple negligence. At a minimum, it represents a reckless disregard for the safety of the American people [ and at a maximum …?] (Al Gore, “The Assault on Reason. How the politics of fear, secrecy and blind faith subvert wise decision-making, degrade democracy and imperil America and the world”, Bloomsbury, London, 2007, pages 177-179).