ABDEL-KHALEK, Gouda. Muslim on who did 9/11.

Gouda Abdel-Khalek (former Egyptian Minister of Social Solidarity and a former Fulbright scholar who has taught economics at USC and UCLA, on 9/11) (2011): “I don’t know if anyone can answer this question. Can you?... From what I read—and I don’t have the capacity of information gathering that intelligence agencies have—my follow-up led me to believe that the theory that Al Qaeda did it lacks evidence. The United States made it look like Al Qaeda did it. And you must have seen some of the works by Michael Moore—Fahrenheit 9/11” ( Gouda Abdel-Khalek quoted in Eric Trager, “Why is the Middle East still in thrall to 9/11 conspiracy theories?”, The New Republic, 3 September 2011: https://newrepublic.com/article/94546/middle-east-radical-conspiracy-theories ).