TURAN, Refik. Muslim on who did 9/11.

Refik Turan (head of the Turkish Historical Society) (2018): “Usually war is between two states, but there are wars within the country as well. The results of a war cannot be predicted. Wars are a fact of our lives. According to a recent research, the number of Muslims who died in the conflict and wars in the world in the last 25 years have reached 12.5 million. This almost amounts to the losses in a World War” (Refik Turan quoted in Anadolu Agency, “At least 12.5 million Muslims died in wars in past 25 years, expert says”, Daily Sabah, 21 April 2018: https://www.dailysabah.com/world/2018/04/21/at-least-125m-muslims-died-in-wars-in-past-25-years-expert-says .