HAQIQATJOU, Daniel: 9/11 scepticism

HAQIQATJOU. Daniel Haqiqatjou (liberal US Muslim writer and lecturer) (2021): “In many countries of the world, the majority of people do not believe that Al-Qaeda terrorists were responsible for the 9/11 attacks.Even in the US, different polls show anywhere from 20% to 54% believe that the US government is concealing critical information about the attack. Even the head officials with the New York Fire Department have attempted to open an investigation into the 9/11 attack because, according to them, the official government investigation left many crucial questions unanswered… Questioning the official 9/11 government narrative is going mainstream. It is an interesting contrast how, on the one hand, Zionists will immediately shout out [“anti-semitism!”] in protest if anyone suggests even the most marginal connection between Israel and 9/11, while, on the other hand, many American Muslims blindly accept the official government narrative despite it being so devastating to millions of Muslims. Lest we forget, it was that official government narrative that justified the invasion of multiple Muslim lands, the death of millions of Muslims, the displacement of millions more. A narrative that so conveniently supported Israeli interests. Yet, to this day, some Muslims won’t entertain a peep of skepticism against it” (Daniel Haqiqatjou, “Former US Congresswoman says Israel did 9/11”, The Muslim Sceptic, 29 June 2021: https://muslimskeptic.com/2021/06/29/former-us-congresswoman-says-israel-did-9-11/ ).