MCMURTRY, John. Canadian moral philosopher: "The total demolition of the buildings on 9-11 was professionally executed – impossible to manage except by a technologically sophisticated state with intelligence support"

John McMurtry (moral philosopher specializing in social value systems and life-value analysis, University Professor Emeritus at the University of Guelph, and an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada) (2015): “The total demolition of the buildings on 9-11 was professionally executed – impossible to manage except by a technologically sophisticated state with intelligence support, as former State Secretary for Defense of Germany, Andreas von Bülow,has concisely observed at the first-order level: “To hijack four big airliners within a few minutes and fly them into targets within a single hour and doing so on complicated flight routes! That is unthinkable, without backing from the secret apparatuses of state and industry”. Turning huge fireproofed steel-girded buildings in the centre of New York into fuming debris in a few seconds and melting car bodies nearby extends the problem of physical impossibility by jet fires. That is why the firemen were killed by being “falsely told it was a fire, not military ordnance”.The fire-squad commander who told me this asked me not to name him because of the harm that might come to him “from the media” – the 9-11 gag again. Yet the core and deciding issue is strangely avoided by all: Whatever the technics, every step before and after 9-11 took place in accordance with the supreme moral objective and covert-state strategic methods to execute it. The smoking gun is incinerated buildings. Every step “before” and “after” goes back to the motive, the crime syndicate, the plan, the payoffs, the seizures and dispossessions… Why would the sacrifice of a few thousand mixed-nation people and two iconic buildings count against this covert value calculus if it reaped the world in payoff to the under one percent and could always be blamed on the Enemy to achieve even more full-spectrum dominance of the ultimate objective over all life and life systems that limit its growth and universalization?Conversely, and in particular at the geostrategic armed force level, if any society does not yet fit into the world system as function of it, armed invasion can now follow as “defense against the terrorists” who have “attacked America” in 9-11. As U.S. General Wesley Clark has also reported for the public record, this strategic line of war has been explicit in “U.S. defense” strategic planning for Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Iran, and Syria since 9-11… Understandably, the improbable physics of the official account of the destruction of the WTC buildings by jet-plane impact and office fires has drawn increasing interest. The ejection outwards of steel columns and assemblies, the severing of fireproofed steel columns, the evidence of molten metal in the building remains, the acceleration rates of the descending buildings, the presence of nanothermite in the dust and the statements of numerous eyewitnesses are some of the obvious signs of controlled demolition. Detailed discussion of these and other difficulties with the official account can be found in the Journal of 9/11 Studies and on the website of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.” (John McMurtry, “The moral decoding of 9-11: beyond thre U.S. criminal state, the grand plan for the new world order”, Global Research, 11 September 2015: ).