GRAHAM, John: "Our position is that the Twin Towers and Building #7 came down from controlled demolition which necessarily had to have been prepared inside the structures of the World Trade Center and within the State of New York"

John Remington Graham (eminent lawyer) in a letter to New York DA Cyrus Vance advocating a Grand Jury investigation of the 9-11 WTC demolitions (2014): “Our position is that the Twin Towers and Building #7 came down from controlled demolition which necessarily had to have been prepared inside the structures of the World Trade Center and within the State of New York. This position is not a conspiracy theory, but concerns a question to be determined by forensic evidence that does not depend on whom or what anybody may want to believe, including the opinions of witnesses who qualify under the law of evidence as experts from academic training, professional licensure, and/or post-academic study, learning, and experience… Even so, we can say without fear of contradiction that, for one reason or another, be it design or fluke, there has been no meaningful investigation under any public auspices of circumstances and events within the buildings of the World Trade Center before 9/11 which, as now appears, could open the door to significant leads, and eventually reveal the identities of the culprits who would have financed, managed, and implemented what surely was a professionally engineered collapse of the Twin Towers and Building #7, resulting in deaths of 2606 individuals in the World Trade Center and on the ground in New York City, not counting those who perished in the aircraft which collided with the Twin Towers” (John Remington Graham, letter to Cyrus Vance Jr., New York County District Attorney, 9 May 2014: ).