SYRMOPOULOS, Jay: "Renowned physics journal [article] concludes in new study: all 3 WTC Towers collapsed due to controlled demolition"

Jay Syrmopoulos (Minnesota journalist and political analyst) on Europhysics Journal publishing an article about 11 September 2001 controlled explosive demolition of the WTC Towers and WTC7 [by the US Government] (2016): “The comprehensive study in Europhysics Magazine directly challenges the official narrative and lends to a growing body of evidence that seriously questions the veracity of the government narrative. In 2002, the National Institute of Standards and Technology remarked that the case was exceptionally bizarre. There were no other known cases of total structural collapses in high-rise buildings caused by fires and so it is deeply unusual that it should have happened three times in the space of one day, noted NIST… Perhaps most damning of all, the experts claimed that after a thorough forensic analysis of video footage of the building’s collapse, it revealed signs of a controlled implosion. Additionally, Jones has co-authored a number of papers documenting evidence of unreacted nano-thermitic material in the WTC dust.The authors of the study note that the buildings fell with such speed and symmetry that they there was no other feasible explanation for the sudden collapse at free fall speeds – directly refuting studies that attempted to debunk the idea that the building fell without resistance. These respected experts’ new forensic analysis only adds to the growing movement of people calling for a new and impartial investigation into the collapse of the World Trade Center. Revealing the scope and breadth of public disbelief in the official government narrative surrounding the events of 9/11, even presidential candidate Jill Stein has recently called for a new investigation (Jay Syrmopolous, “Fifteen Years Later, Physics Journal Concludes All Three WTC Towers Collapsed On 9/11 Due To Controlled Demolition”, Countercurrents, 17 September 2016: ; Jay Syrmopolous, “Renowned physics journal concludes in new study: all 3 WTC Towers collapsed due to controlled demolition”, The Mind Unleashed, 2016: ) .

[Editor: the article has an associated video providing a compelling, science-based analysis concluding that 9-11 involved controlled explosive demolition of the WTC Towers and WTC7 [by the US Government]].