WATZAL, Ludwig. Dr. Ludwig Watzal, journalist, reviews Elias Davidsson's “Hijacking America 's Mind on 9/11. Counterfeiting Evidence”: "I believed in the official narrative on 9/11. I read the book twice. It shattered completely my former belief''

Dr. Ludwig Watzal works as a journalist and editor in Bonn , Germany . He runs the bilingual blog “between the lines”: http://between-the-lines-ludwig-watzal.blogspot.de/ (see: http://www.countercurrents.org/watzal170813.htm ).

Dr. Ludwig Watzal reviewing the book “Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11. Counterfeiting evidence” by Elias Davidsson (2013): “Before I came across the book “Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11” by Elias Davidsson, I believed in the official narrative on 9/11. I read the book twice. It shattered completely my former belief… Many people believe that a government employee aware of illegal practices by his agency or his superiors will immediately report to the police or speak to a journalist. This belief is not justified. Exposing high state crime requires great personal courage and entails risks to ones career, security or even life. Even the courageous whistleblower cannot be certain that those to whom he confides will publicize the information, suppress it, or inform on him to his superiors. Just consider what happened to Bradley Manning, Edward Snowdon or Julian Assange! Sadly, most people do not even dare to ask elementary questions about 9/11, afraid to be ostracized or even lose their jobs. Civil courage is a rare commodity. Summing up his findings, Elias Davidsson refers to human rights norms according to which the families of 9/11 victims are entitled to know what happened to their next-of-kin; and society is entitled to have the perpetrators, planners and facilitators of the mass-murder identified, prosecuted and convicted. He furthermore sees in efforts to expose 9/11 a “revolutionary potential” because it would reveal what he sees as the monumental failure of our institutions to seek the truth on these murderous events. Davidsson’s book is not an introduction to 9/11 critical studies. It caters to those who are already aware of the major anomalies in the official narrative. The book is a must read to those concerned with the stealthy transformation of Western democracies into police states and to those who oppose the wars conducted by the United States and its allies.” [1].

Dr. Ludwig Watzal (journalist and editor in Bonn , Germany) (2016): “Those who still believe in the official story of 9/11, are more naive than children, who still believe in Sancta Claus and the Easter Bunny. After having penetrated deeply into the matter, as I have edited the forthcoming book by 9/11 expert Elias Davidsson on this topic, which is going to be published in Germany, I can only appeal to the common sense of every citizen not to believe in the lies about the official narrative. The official legend on 9/11 is not only full of contradictions but also full of inconsistencies. The best example of this obfuscation is the 9/11 Commission Report, whose script was made in advance by Philip Zelikow and the Bush/Cheney gang. This report is the best prove for a cover-up for "higher" aims such as an endless "war on terrorism" and the expansion of the U. S. imperialism. This report makes no mention of the destruction of WTC No 7. The 9/11 story is the biggest scam that has ever been dished out to the world , and the worst accomplices in this plot are the corporate media whose leading representatives have no qualms about destroying any skeptic socially or ridicule him as a weirdo or conspiracy theorists. According to them, many thousands of members of the different truth movements are simple "nuts", although most of them are highly qualified experts, professionals and scientists who are not willing to accept the crap written in the 9/11 Commission Report. After 24 hours, the 9/11 narrative was already set in stone, although no single evidence had been presented about the involvement of the legendary Osama bin Laden that he has been behind this extremely sophisticated executed attack. So mysterious his plannings of the 9/11 attacks were, so mysterious were the circumstances of his death and his alleged burial at sea. The total pulverization of the Twin Towers can be considered the eighth World Wonder. Everything and everybody turned into dust, except one passport of one of the alleged hijackers, which was found aside the few remains of two 110 story high-rises! It's very honorable that the four "Jersey Widows" are pushing the Obama administration to release the 28 secret pages of the 9/11 Commission Report in order to find out who else was involved in masterminding this vile crime against the American people besides presumably the Bush /Cheney administration. If Hillary Clinton becomes the next U. S. President, the cover-up and the distortion of truth will continue. She is the voice of the military-industrial-financial-intelligence-congressional-media complex that is the main beneficiary of this criminal engineering” [2].

[1]. Dr. Ludwig Watzal, “Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11”, Countercurrents, 17 August 2013: http://www.countercurrents.org/watzal170813.htm .

[2]. Dr. Ludwig Watzal , “9/11 - The Biggest Conspiracy Against The American People And The Whole World”, Countercurrents, 20 June, 2016: http://www.countercurrents.org/watzal200616.htm .

See Elias Davidsson, “Hijacking America 's Mind on 9/11. Counterfeiting Evidence”, Algora, New York 2013, 328 pp:

http://www.amazon.com/Hijacking-Americas-Mind-11-Counterfeiting/dp/0875869734 .

Dr. Ludwig Watzal ( journalist and editor in Bonn , Germany) (2019): “ The 18th anniversary of the attacks on 11 September 2001 (9/11) will be commemorated in the US and worldwide by the corporate media to keep the legend about 9/11alive. The official 9/11 narrative, however, is not only riddled with contradictions and outright lies, but any deviation from this fairy tale will cost any detractor his existence. “Conspiracy theorists” works like a weapon of mass destruction, meaning, nobody of the ruling class and their moral mainstream media enforcer will deviate one inch from the official story. After 13 minutes, Osama bin Laden surfaced as the guy responsible for the attacks. President George W. Bush declared shortly after America is under attack”. The official account emerged within days… 9/11 was a propaganda-coup, unprecedented in history. „When the sun rose on New York and Washington on 11 September 2001, the official legend of 9/11 lay ready to be promoted worldwide. It was conceived before the events and confirmed by the U.S. Congress – give or take minor details – within 24 hours of the deadly incidents.“ Within hours, the entire world was led astray into believing what can be labeled an absurd tale. The author can’t understand that the Western world swallowed “ this legend hook, line, and sinker”… No one of the so-called left asked for evidence that Afghanistan or the Taliban had anything to do with 9/11. Even when counter-evidence surmounted against the legend of 9/11, the left kept mum and stuck to Bush’s fairy tale. They also slandered respectable critics.Instead of celebrating the myth about 9/11, the American public and peoples around the world should demand an independent investigation into 9/11. The curtain of lies about this organized crime, which plunged the world into an endless war on terror aimed at the peoples of the so-called Third World, must be lifted. As long as military, intelligence and law enforcement officials worldwide cooperate with the rulers of the murderous U.S. regime or its stooges in other countries the physical security of ordinary citizens is in danger” (Ludwig Watzal, “The 9/11 legend lives on”, Countercurrents, 11 September 2019: https://countercurrents.org/2019/09/the-9-11-legend-lives-on ).