About organisations: KKE, WPB, PFLP, ...

About the KKE (communist party of Greece)

In a recent article (Will the WPB/PVDA/PTB join the accusation that the KKE is (still) not free of 'Chruchov-Breznjevian “left”-formulated, revisionism'?(2)) I criticised Alexandré Garcia with his not-correct argumentation for his accusation to the KKE (or rather KKE-cadre Elisseos Vagenas) of “revisionism”. People who know me, or read earlier articles from me, could wonder about the fact that I myself used accusations towards the KKE as “reformism” or “nineteenth century liberalism”....

And in fact I placed articles like that:

Greek communists infected by nineteenth century liberalism: ”development of nations for a national capitalism”

How is the “traditionally” and selfdeclared “vanguard” (the communist party: KKE) of the (only GREEK?) working class, leading the (only GREEK?) class-struggle to a revolutionary objective (of a GREEK revolution?)....Read further here.

Comment on the proposed strategy of the KKE: “Reformism”

Although the KKE is calling “The newest and most contemporary slogan, which is more timely than ever is: “Workers of all countries, Unite!”....the KKE is NOT giving a call for making one big united revolutionary working-class against the “bourgeoisie united in their predatory alliance EU” but rather for a DIVISION of the struggle within national borders against the representatives of the imperialist bourgeoisie “in each country”.

That is the highest form of “solidarity” within the working class of the European Union which the KKE can imagine.(read further here)

I am not “deleting” this articles, but I will explain why and how I made these articles once.

First, my critics (the last in 2012) are based on the pre-19th congress line, in fact based on my study of the KKE-program of 1996.

Second, I was focused on the development of revisionism...in the WPB(PVDA/PTB), of which I was a militant until 8 April 2005, the day I was expelled.

In 1997 I was participating in a special commission of the WPB, which had to prepare a new program for the WPB. One of the examples... was the program of the KKE in 1996. (See Marxist Studies nr.40 1997)

The commission was cancelled by the Central Committee....because parliamentary elections were coming and all energy had to be focused on those elections. But the commission did not appeared anymore afterwards.... From 2000 I noticed some developments in the WPB which seemed me, elements of revisionism. I made internal reports which I sent to the national leadership. I never got a reaction. In 2004 the leadership came in hands of revisionists by an organisational and ideological “coup”.

While from 2008 on, my conclusion was: “On the 8th congress in 2008, the WPB turned into a REFORMIST party” (argumented with Marxist-sounding phraseology), the WPB still organised the International Communist Seminar (it is impossible to make a link to the website of ICS because it is lifted ...then put again on the internet...at the moment it disappeared again...), on which the KKE was seen as a kind of sister-party (and apparently this was mutual: the KKE vss the WPB) In the Marxist Studies n° 100, oktober-december 2012 the KKE is presented as an example for “how to deal with elections and with propositions for participation yes or no in a coalition-government”: Balance after the elections of 6 May and 17 June 2012.

Also is in that nr 100 of Marxist Studies, European Left is refuted (co-founded by the Greek Synaspismos, predecessor of Syriza which is now herself also member of European Left) and the strategy of the participating parties of European Left (so also Syriza) grasping for the opportunity to participate in a government, is criticised: Is participating of communist parties in a government a way out of the capitalist crisis. By Herwig Lerouge (WPB)

So position was taken by the WPB (agreeing apparently with the KKE) against the as reformist condemned practice, to participate in “left” governments. So I provoked the WPB by “noticing reformism also in the KKE”.

For this I tried to provoke at least some reflection by people in and round the WPB....so that is the reason, I used those provocative titles.

Third, later I used a less provocative tactic: I put the analyse of the KKE and that of the WPB next to each other and gave the contradictions between them.....

Fourth, I have to study further before I could say if I will now change my opinion. In fact, it is very possible that I would have still some critic (or points of discussion) with the KKE. This is normal, I am an individual, not a member of the KKE and so I have not participated in the collective work, study and discussion preparing the finale line. Even IF I would found some points of discussion, they are secondary, they are not going to the essentials: “Is the KKE an authentic revolutionary communist party or not”.

Five, so even when I would have my critic, and even when, after re-study my own articles, I would still agree with my former formulation, I would probably when I would write an article about this, use less provocative labels..... Therefore I made this explanation, while NOT deleting my “older” articles.

On 11-14 April 2013 the KKE (Communist Party of Greece) will hold her 19th congress, as it is written here. One of the most important issues is the unification of the whole party about the concrete and elaborated strategy of socialist revolution and the building of a society based on communist production-relations, through the stage of what is called socialism (in fact the first stage of communism), and this for a “near future”... A second issue (and therefore a lot of congress-preparing documents are online available in different languages) is the recognition of a serious problem of opportunism in the circles of those organisations which claim to be “Marxist” and “communist” and an analysis of the ideological base of that opportunism. I think that those documents has to be studied.(read further here)

The Communist Party of Greece, the KKE held her 19th congress (11-14 April, 2013). Some of the treated topics or issues were:

- the importance of the struggle against opportunism

- the concern to develop a strategy for revolution and for the building a new working-class power and for the beginning of the development of new communist production-relations, based on concrete elaborated actualised analyses

- the sense of responsibility for the ideological and political struggle IN the international circle of organisations who claim to be “communist”, claim to“apply Marxism” in their analyses, claim to be in favour of “socialism” after a “socialist revolution”, or claim to be “anti-reformist”.(read further here)

About the PFLP (Popular Front of Liberation of Palestine)

My proposal for a discussion-subject with PFLP-responsibles which my FB-friend will meet.

My face-book friend Peter Terryn is going “on mission” in the Palestinian occupied (or encircled) areas. Among other things he wil meet people of the PFLP. He want to do an interview. But I would propose that he asked their opinion about the following point of view of me:....Read further here

About the ICS (International Communist Seminar), WPB (Workers Party of Belgium - PVDA, PTB) and KKE

About antagonist contradictions converning political line and (revolutionary?) strategy and about "contamination" of opportunism....and revisionism. Read the (downloadable) document here

About the 20th ICS and her "General Conclusions" subscribed by ALL the participating communist(?) parties

Each year a gathering of communist parties and orgnisation all over the world is organised by the WPB in Brussels.

(see www.icsbrussels.org )

But in fact as I will prove this is a gathering of organisations – I will give the example of the Greek KKE- seriously “contaminated” by opportunism (dogmatism, eclecticism, empirism) and some organisations are totally lost in revisionism and are in fect transformed in REFORMIST (so objactively BOURGEOIS) organisations. Of the last ones I will give the example of the WPB. The other organisations are part of one of those two catagories. I will take the example of the “General conclusions” which are approved by ALL the participating organisations. In a sequence of articles I will prove their opportunism.(Read further here)