A few examples of clients:
I made this list a few years ago for a company that hired me as a coach. It might give you an impression of what I do.
Since confidentiality is a most important quality of and condition for coaching , I choose not to give the names of my clients nor their companies, nor information that can lead to the identification of clients.
[1] N=CEO. N-1= CFO, CIO, COO etc..
Local = level from the point of view of the nationally or regionally operating company or BU; global = level from the point of view of the international headquarters.
[2] The median of my coaching is 5 sessions. Over the total period the intensity of the coaching varies very much. It might start rather intense with meetings every 2-3 weeks, quickly tapering off and ending up with stand-by coaching on demand. Several of these coaching projects are ongoing on a regular or irregular basis.
[3] BC=Behavioural coaching, TC=Team coaching, CC=Conflict coaching, COT=change of tack, GC=Group coaching