Quotes and one-liners

On Managing Change and Transformation

On Management and Leadership

On Always Being Connected and Multitasking

From book "BrainChains"

“Brainworkers’ increasing lack of reflection is a huge problem we must resolve; it is not a challenge we can avoid. “

“The problem with ICT is not what we do with it, but what we don’t do any more because of our way of using it. “

“The paradox is that the hyperconnectedness that makes all this information available is, at the same time, for many the most important obstacle to their reflecting brain making good use of it”

“Reflection takes time: reconquer your time.”

“A most important rule for intellectual productivity: Totally disconnect one hour a day

“With a “flat brain” you cannot thrive in a “flat world”

“Professionals become “adhocrats” and their organizations “adhocracies”, replacing the bureaucrats in bureaucracies.”

“If right-tasking is like swimming, then multitasking is like treading water; you might stay afloat but it doesn’t get you anywhere. “

“Negative stress makes smart people behave stupid. “

“It’s worse than you think, and if you don’t think, it’s worse. “

“They don’t think, they e-mail.”

“If you use e-mail for anything other than informing people and transmitting simple, unequivocal requests for tasks with little ambiguity, you are creating problems for the receivers, the company and yourself. “

“If you want to know if you office is right for the work you do, do the telephone test: If you need to concentrate for your work and you can hear other people on the phone, you are in the wrong office.”

“Tiredness and driving are a lethal cocktail. Throw a phone into the mix and it’s catastrophic. “

“There is only one safe place for your phone while driving: in the glove box, switched off and out of reach. “

“Constantly scanning screens of information is like gobbling down your food without digesting it. The result is indigestion, infobesitas or information overload. “

“The greatest gift in a real conversation, discussion or meeting is undivided attention. If Steve Jobs had been glued to his iPhone, he  never would have invented the iPhone. “

“The hyper-connected, hyper-tasking, hyper-productive brainworker is a total myth. In reality they are hyper-connected, hyper-tasking, hyper-active, hyper-underachievers. Ignorance or neglect of our brain’s instruction manual results in clever people underperforming or doing stupid things. “

“The problem is not the great technology, but the way we use it.”

“Via Homo Zapiens, Homo Sapiens evolved to an inefficient Homo Interruptus”

“Always connected in company: being alone together “

“Hyper-connected executives do not have a helicopter view but a grasshopper view.”

“When wanting becomes needing, a positive stimulant turns into a negative, if not problematic, drive. “

“Healthy stress is interval stress. “

“The local stress of always being connected: on my back, a pain in the neck, a headache, no sight for sore eyes and all thumbs”

“Drinking  caffeinated drinks is simply disconnecting the sleepiness alarm signal without taking care of the disaster going on in your brain”

“Hands-free and eyes-free car-kits do not make any difference: The bottleneck is your brain. “

“A legal ban on hands-on calling gives the very strong, very wrong and very dangerous message that hands-free is safer, which it isn’t at all. “

“ICT in a car: a killer application”

“Smart phones are used by ignorant or stupid drivers, very smart phones by ignorant or very stupid drivers. “

“Batch-processing: to turn the scatterbrained Homo Interruptus back into a productive Homo Sapiens “

“Disconnecting and letting your mind wander during a boring episode of a meeting is much better for your brain and the meeting than connecting and guzzling more data.”

“The three rules to become intellectually productive:

Rule Number 1: Disconnect to reflect

Rule Number 2: Ruthlessly and radically reduce switches

Rule Number 3: Disconnect to have a break”