We too underestimated and still underestimate the emotional and relational aspects when we prepare for mergers and acquisitions. (Executive Credit Agricole Indosuez. Parijs)

I have never experienced a training which such a major impact. Three years later now I still profit every day from what I learned. For this reason I found it important for everybody to participate. (HR Director Union Carbide Europe)

The discussion confirmed what I intuitively sensed. I was surprised that there was such a good scientific basis for the most important of these ideas. (Vice President Hewlett Packard USA)

I realized myself for the first time that information on the relational and emotional aspects should be a standard chapter of the "due diligences" of mergers and acquisitions. (Partner CARTA Helsinki)

This training was so important that we wanted to organize it for everyone on voluntary basis. Because it is such an essential knowledge for managers we made it obligatory for them. (HR Director Shell-Belgium)

Honestly, I came against my will because it had to. I never thought that it could be so important and useful. I will certainly strongly stimulate my people to follow the training too. (Manager Shell Belgium)

A real eye-opener. (CEO PECO Energy Company)

It is the first time that I experience a training that just as useful for the home situation as for work. (Participant Advanced Management Programme)

I never thought that stress management was so extremely important for safety and security. (Plant Manager Atomic plant/ Plant Manager DuPont/deNemours)

It was a superb idea to invite the spouses for the workshop on stress management (Spouse Executive DSM. Average evaluation partners: 4,9/5)

In our organization a lot of attention is being given to the phenomenon of stress, but I have never experienced anybody summarizing the most important aspect so crystal clear in so little time. (Commanding Officer US Navy)

This training component should be part of every single MBA programme anywhere. (Excecutive in EMBA Programme Nijenrode University)

I had never thought that we can have such a big influence on the way we handle stress. We must offer this training to everyone in our hospital, from the top to the bottom. (Director Hospital)

Our Vice-President HR, just before your arrival told me “We should not talk about stress, it is nonsense and by talking about it, you create a problem”. At lunch already he was converted and said: “All Vice presidents these must follow this, this is really very important, also for bottom-line. Let’s do something about this, why not a mini-survey for the whole of Europe (HR Manager FedEx)

In my trainings I strongly lean on vision of Compernolle on stress. (Stress Management Trainer)

It was a revelation for me, especially the importance of the role of the boss. (Administrative Director International Bank)

This workshop got stress out of its taboo. It shows good how you can manage stress positively. Clarifying for me was that there is always a decision phase.(HR Director Monsanto Nederland-Belgium)

A workshop which will remain useful for life. (CEO Somati NV)

A top manager cannot to live without stress. He must be able master and manage it. That’s what I learned from Theo. (Director-general Food Industry)

I have never experienced that a scientist being able to teach his thorough knowledge, in such a concise, simple and humorous way. I think that I will never forget the frogs, the elephants and the canaries and the theory they stand for. (Secretary-General Dutch Ministry)

Aging made me much wiser. I wish I had that information ten years earlier. (Consultant Ministry Oman)

This should be part and parcel of the ABC that each manager must learn. (Director ABNAMRO Bank)

Recognizable and very practically immediate usefully and applicable. (100s of times)

Real eye-opener (tens of times)

The training was too short. (100s of times)

Every night now, my wife reads me a few paragraphs from your book Stress: Friend and enemy. Guess once with what chapter she started. (President of an employers organization, from his car)