The Commodore
New Year Message From The Commodore
BSDRA sailors continue to contribute a huge amount to team racing nationally: In 2013 there was another superb turnout from member schools at the RYA’s annual youth team-racing event, the Eric Twiname, with three school sides in the top six and Oakham up in second place. School sailors are very visible at the next level too, with many finding their way within a year into the lively and competitive university sailing scene. This a great credit to the coaching skill and commitment of the sailing staff at our schools.
In the autumn ex-Commodore and International Umpire Bruce Hebbert ran a National Umpire Course especially for BSDRA members from which all learned a great deal. Several teachers-in-charge – and a couple of recent BSDRA sailors – completed the exam to qualify as National Umpires, and will be seen wielding flags at BSDRA and BUSA events later in the year.
Part of the role of the BSDRA is to provide assistance to those who run sailing as well as to organise events for the sailors themselves. We’re lucky to have in our number the likes of Andy Cornah (of West Kirby Hawks, 2011 World Team Racing Champions, and now running sailing at Sevenoaks), and in recent years have subsidised groups of schools wishing to arrange sessions with guest coaches. Please do get in touch via the form on this site if you would like to arrange such a session.
For those of you brave enough to be sailing this term, good luck and keep warm! Meanwhile I look forward to seeing you at the AGM and Inset Day in February.
James Unwin
January 2014