2008 Season
Post date: Jan 8, 2010 6:36:14 PM
• 2008 RYA Team Racing Development Programme [Entry by Fri 30 Nov 07]
Qualifying stage: Mon/Tue 7/8 Jan 08, Bough Beech SC
Second Stage: Sat/Sun 26/27 Jan 08, Location TBA
• Sat 26 - Sun 27 Jan 2008
RYA Team Racing Umpiring Course, at Oxford SC (Farmoor)
Contact: Bruce Hebbert, Sevenoaks School, Kent - Application Form
• Wed 5 Mar 2008
BSDRA 2008 INSET day and AGM
Royal Thames Yacht Club, Knightsbridge, 10:00- 16:30
• Fri 11 - Sun 13 April 2008
3 days pre-season Team Racing training at Westbere Lakes SC (420s)
Open to BSDRA school members
Contact: Richard Maltby, King's School, Canterbury. Details and Application Form
• BSDRA Thames Valley Team Racing Championship, at Broxbourne SC
Contact: TBA
• BSDRA Midlands Fleet Racing Championship (Prism Trophy), at Oxford SC (Farmoor)
Contact: TBA
• Thu 24 April 2008
BSDRA South East Team Racing Championship (The Hoad Shield), at Bough Beech SC
Contact: Keith Sammons, Tonbridge. Download NOR and Entry Form
Bruce Hebbert writes:
The Hoad Shield kicked off the team racing season with no less than 17 teams from as far away as Norwich making the trip to Kent. Racing was in 3 seeded leagues in 3 flights of Fireflies. Each race was overseen by a national umpire and in the brisk conditions there was some good racing. After a break for thunder and lightning and changing to cutdowns the final stages saw some very close action between the teams now divided into Gold Silver and Bronze leagues.
Sevenoaks "A" win overall with no losses, followed by MCS (Oxford) who were only defeated by Sevenoaks and third Tonbridge "A". Eton College won the Silver League an Wellington College the Bronze.
South East Results spreadheet
• Sat 26 April 2008
BSDRA East Kent Team Racing Championship at Westbere Lakes SC (420s)
Contact: Richard Maltby, King's School, Canterbury. Download NOR.
Richard Maltby writes:
Eleven teams enjoyed the best of team racing conditions in a steady SW F3 breeze and bright sunshine. Two round robin leagues were sailed with MCS Oxford and Tonbridge A winning all races in their respective league. Eight teams progressed to a final knock out stage. Some very close races were sailed in the quarter-finals: Wellington, Tonbridge A and King’s, each winning by one point, joined MCS Oxford in the semi-finals.
Our thanks to Mr Richard Gaskell, Commodore Westbere SC, to umpires George Barker and Richard Crook, and to all team managers for their support in running the event. First team prizes were sponsored by IBI Sailing. The worthy recipients were MCS Oxford, who won all of their races.
Final positions: 1, MCS, Oxford; 2, King’s; 3, Wellington; 4, Tonbridge A.
Also sailed: Alleyn’s, Ardingly, Eton, Kent Schools SA, St Lawrence College, Sevenoaks (Jnr), Tonbridge B.
A photo gallery has been posted on the IBI Sailing web site - click here!
• Sat 3 May 2008
BSDRA Midlands Team Racing Championship, at Oxford SC (Farmoor)
Contact: James Unwin, Magdalen College School, Oxford. Download NOR and Sailing Instructions
Results (16 teams): Gold: Magdelen College School (Oxford) A; Silver: Wellington A; Bronze: Oundle
Also sailed: Tonbridge A,B; Uppingham A,B; MCS B, Wellington B,
Sevenoaks, Bradfied, Haileybury, Pangbourne, Eton, Radley, Clifton
Midlands Results spreadsheet (James Unwin)
• Sat 10 May 2008
BSDRA Eastern Team Racing Championship, at Middle Nene SC (Thrapston)
Douglas Butler writes:
Most parts of England suffered "glorious" weather today - for sunbathing that is!! This championship bravely went ahead with 15 competing teams, but the wind barely reach 3-4 knots, and we could not even finish the initial round robin stage. Everything was set up for a great day's racing, with three national level umpires on hand: Bruce Hebbert, Jack Edwards and Bevis Field, but it was not to be. This did not stop everyone having a very enjoyable day, and the prizes were distributed amongst the best scoring in each league. The Eastern Trophy was not awarded.
Eastern Region schools: Greshams, Ipswich, Kimbolton, Norwich, Oakham, Oundle School (A+B), Stamford,
Stowe, Uppingham. Out of region visitors: Aldenham, Haileybury, Rugby, Sevenoaks and Kings Canterbury.
Eastern Results Spreadsheet (Richard Atkins, PRO)
• Sat 10 May 2008
BSDRA Northern Team Racing Championship, at Killington Lake
Contact: Myles Ripley, Sedbergh
Myles Ripley writes:
The weather gods did not want this regatta to proceed smoothly! After quite a slow start all was looking well: race after race proceeded taking about 15 minutes each, until we got to Race 5 when the wind died. The race officer cancelled the race, and just managed a second attempt at it . Had the wind help up, we might have had yet another re-race! Race 6 was also abandoned amidst no wind. Thus we had only 4 of the scheduled 15 races from which to decide a winner.
This problem was exacerbated from the Sedbergh point of view by the penalty which lost them the race and consequently the truncated competition. For the three Upper Sixth sailors who have sailed with the team for 5 years this was probably their last “outing” for the school. I owe a debt of gratitude to them for their loyal service to the team and the sport of sailing at Sedbergh.
1: MTS, 2= Sedbergh, WSA, 4: Rydal Penrhos
• Sat 10 May 2008
BSDRA Southern Team Racing Championship, at Spinnaker SC
Contact: Stephen Wilkinson, Canford. Download NOR
Stephen Wilkinson writes:
Sadly, there was absolutely no wind, and we cancelled at 1300 without a single hull being wet. A great shame. There was a good turnout with 15 teams registered (though 3 pulled out the night before!).
• Mon 30 Jun - Tue 1 July 2008
BSDRA International Team Racing Championship, at Bough Beech SC
Entry fee: £250 per team. Download: Notice of Race, Entry Form
• Wed 2 - Fri 4 July 2008
Schools 420 and Firefly National Championship at Itchenor SC
High Tide 12:21 New moon: 3rd July. Ideal tide.
Provisional costs: £240 per boat
• Mon 3 - Fri 8 August 2008
RS Feva European Championships, at Gottskar, Sweden
Nick Neve writes: RGS Guildford pupil Tim Gratton is the new Feva World Champion with crew Chris Taylor.
Tim's elder brother Ben was the previous title holder with James Peters. Ben is now a national 420 sailor while James is 29er ISAF Youth World Champion. Frances Peters, who was 2005 Feva National & European Champion, is now 29er Ladies Youth World Champion. They're awesomely talented sailors who would have done well no matter what their sailing background; and surely the Feva is both a superbly competitive class and great preparation for youth sailing. It's also the RYA choice for U16 team racing. Every school should have some...
Team GBR fielded 27 boats among the 103 entries from 11 countries at the World Championships in Sweden in August. Our 4 boats in the top ten included included Oakham School pair Alice Kent & Lucy Childs who finished 10th overall, 3rd Ladies and 1st GBR girls.
Air temperatures were no worse than in the UK, but the water was a whoppingly glorious 21C and the local diving platform became a major source of non-sailing fun. If you get the chance to sail in Sweden - grab it.
• Sat-Mon 23-25 August 2008
RYA Youth National Match Racing Championships
Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy.
Download: Notice of Race, Entry Form
• Sat 20 Sept 2008
East Kent Autumn Team Racing Championship at Westbere Lakes SC (420s) near Canterbury.
Contact: Richard Maltby, King's School, Canterbury. Download: Notice of Race/Entry Form
Richard Maltby writes:
For the second time this year visiting teams to Westbere lakes SC, near Canterbury, were fortunate to enjoy perfect conditions for team-racing with a steady 10-12 mph easterly breeze, blue sky and sunshine. Five teams took part, none of which were official 1st teams, and the event provided an opportunity for younger sailors and new combinations to gain experience.
In three hours of races each team sailed eight races in a "round robin" league and there was time to complete the afternoon with a round of play-offs to determine final positions. Many thanks to BSDRA colleagues who brought teams and took on duties and particularly to Richard Crook of Sevenoaks School as senior umpire. King's looks forward to return visits later in the term to Oxford and to Ardingly.
Teams that took part: The King's School, Canterbury; Magdalen College School, Oxford; Sevenoaks School; Ardingly College; Kent Schools Sailing Association.
• Wed/Thurs/Fri 24/25/26 Sept 2008
RYA Pre University Team Racing Camp
Cost: £90 per person. The RYA will be running a Pre-University training camp at Farmoor sc (Oxford) to teach some of the skills necessary for team racing. This training is for anyone who is about to start University, who wants to get a 'jump start' for university team selections early in the first term.
To apply please complete the form and send it with your cheque (payable to the 'RYA'). (You will need to arrange your own accommodation and food. Anyone under 18 will need to have a parent/guardian in attendance.) ENTRY DEADLINE: 22nd August 2008. Application Form
• Sat 8 - Sun 9 Nov 2008
TWINAME-RYA Youth and Juniors Team Racing Championships, at Oxford SC (Farmoor)
Racing in Fevas and Fireflies. Coaching support, commentators ...fun for all the family. Download NOR
• Sat 29 Nov 2008
One day team racing event at Bough Beech SC.
See NOR and Entry Form. This event wil be 'graded', meaning that this event can count towards points for the UKTRA Championships. Also we clash with a major University event so will not have the privilege of being beaten by the big guns