September 15, 2011
Post date: Sep 15, 2011 5:04:31 AM
[NEW] Added Acquisition as new asset type.
[NEW] Added All Market option to Market Selector.
[NEW] Renamed Owners to Clients.
[NEW] Site Setting Email Preference to modify the subject of Task Email Notifications.
[NEW] Added new privilege restriction to prevent BPO submission.
[NEW] Added assigned agent, assigned transaction coordinator, and assigned inspector as visible columns to HOA report.
[NEW] Added Expected COE as visible column to HOA Report.
[CHANGE] HOA Demand Status is now a multi-select in HOA Reports.
[CHANGE] HOA Document Status is now a multi-select in HOA Reports.
[FIX] Fixed bug that would cause duplicate users in a group.
[FIX] Fixed task report where it would incorrectly evaluate whether tasks were completed or not.