Public Offers/Applications

In this section, you can determine how Broker Brain will handle public offers and lease applications.

Public Offers/Applications Site Settings

1. From the Admin tab, click the Site Settings sub tab on the left-hand side of the screen. Click the Public Offers/Applications sub tab (at right).

2. Make your changes, then click the Submit button to save your information. Note: Each tab within Site Settings has its own Submit button, so it is necessary to click Submit at the bottom of each tab before making changes on another.

See below for screen shots and details on how to complete each field.

Globally allow Public Offers/Applications - Choosing this option makes it possible for offers and lease applications to be submitted from a public website into your Broker Brain system. If this is the only box checked in this section, you control who can make a public offer or submit a lease application by providing a link for a given property to a website, such as the MLS website. Only those with access to that website will be able to submit a public offer or lease application into your Broker Brain System.

Allow public offers from your public site - This option can only be chosen if the Globally allow Public Offers/Applications option has also been chosen. This allows offers to be submitted directly from your public Broker Brain site on properties that are in a Public Offer or Managed property status and have been enabled for Public Offers/Applications.

Only allow 1 attachment for purchase agreement/application documents - Enabling this feature restricts public offer submissions on all properties to one attachment only. This prevents multiple files from being uploaded when an offer is submitted.

Require lender fax when offer is submitted - If this feature is enabled, the Lender fax number will be a required field on the public offer page.

Auto enter purchase agreement date when offer is added - When this option is selected, any time an offer is submitted, the purchase agreement field will automatically display the offer submission date.

Allow uploads after offer is submitted - Checking this box will give agents the ability to upload additional requested documentation into the system in their offer follow-up page.

Show Offer/Application Agreement on follow-up page - If this option is selected, the offer or lease application agreement for all submissions will be printed on both the follow-up page and the offer submission page.

Auto enable public offers/applications on properties when entering a Public Offer/Application status - This option can only be chosen if the Globally allow Public Offers/Applications option is also chosen. Choosing this option automatically opens a property for public offer/lease application submission when it moves into a status you have set as a Public Offer or Managed Status.

Include Public Pending offers in Offer count - On both the public and private site, Broker Brain indicates the current number of offers on a property. By default, public offers are not included in this number unless they move into a status you have set to be included in the total offer count. This is done from Admin > Status > Offer (see Offer Status for more information). By activating the Include Public Pending offers in Offer count feature, any public offers submitted will automatically be shown in the offer count.

Enable all properties currently in an Offer status - By clicking on this link, you will enable all properties that are currently in an offer status to allow public offers. For instance, If you have recently decided that you want all of your properties that are in Listed status to be eligible for a public offer, you would check the Public Offer box next to the Listed status in your Property Status Tab on the Admin page. However, the system will not automatically enable all properties that are already in Listed status. If you click on this link in the Site Settings page it will be done for you. (If you choose to allow offers to be submitted from your public Broker Brain site, you will also need to check the Public box next to the desired statuses)

Offer/Lease Agreement - These free form boxes allow you to customize the Offer or Lease Agreement for your properties. The offering agent or lease applicant must agree to these terms before being allowed to submit an offer or lease application. This should be completed in such a way that it would apply to all of your properties.