*Creating Email Notifications

Creating a Task & Email Notification or Email Notification Task

In addition to assigning tasks to users, Broker Brain also has the capability of generating automatic Emails. You can use the auto tasking feature to generate an automatic Email Notification with no task attached to it (known as an Email Notification Task). Or, you can create a Task and Email Notification, which generates both a task and an email. While an Email Notification task requires no action from your users, a Task and Email Notification requires an action to be performed, and also sends an automatic email notification. In this instance, a task must be shown as complete by the task owner once the physical task is finished. Follow the steps below to create one of these types of tasks.

1. Create a task following all the steps in Adding a New Auto Task above, being sure to set the task type to Email Notification or Task & Email Notification.

2. Reopen the task by clicking the + next to the task name. The following screen will appear:

3. Click the Enable box in the section that defines when you want an email to be sent. On Create will generate an email when the task is created, On Due will email when the task is due, and On Complete will email when the task is marked completed.

4. If you would like a copy of the email to be stored in the property's Notes tab, check the Archive as note box.

5. Click the Edit Notification button. A dialog box will appear, on which you will create a generic template of the email notification that will be sent. When creating the email template, it is important to remember that these tasks are not property specific, so the template you are creating needs to be generic enough to fit all properties. To best accomplish this, you will want to use the Macros that are provided on the right-hand side of the screen.

There are some important things to know about using macros:

6. In the To:, CC: and BCC: fields, indicate which individuals should receive the email. You can either type in email addresses or select a macro from the list at right. Macros ending in the word email should be used for email addresses. For instance, if the task that you are creating is for an email to be sent to the assigned agent, you would click in the To: field, then double click on the %assigned_agent_email% macro. When this task is triggered for a property, the To: field will be populated with the email address for the assigned agent listed in the system for that property.

7. In the From: field, indicate who you want the recipient to see as the sender. You can either type in an email address or select an email macro, as described in step #6 above.

8. Type a subject in the Subject: line. You may wish to use a mix of text and macros in the subject. For instance, you might entitle the email Offer Reduction and then add a macro to indicate the property address. When you use a mix of text and macros, you will want to add in any spaces or other characters you would normally type into the sentence. Note that the first character of the information created by the macro will appear in the position the percentage sign currently appears.

In this example, after mixing text and macros, the Subject: line would look something like this:

Offer Reduction on %property%

The subject line in the email that is generated from this task would look like this:

Offer Reduction on 54435 Abbey Rd Las Vegas, NV 89018

9. Type the body of the email into the Message: field using a mix of text and macros, as appropriate.


    • The COPY and PASTE buttons at the bottom of the On Create Notification screen allow you to copy information you have typed in, including both text and macros, then go to a different task’s email notification screen and paste the information there. This is particularly useful in the Message: field.

10. When finished creating the email, click the green TEST MAIL button to receive a sample email. The message will only be sent to the email address of the logged in person, but the Subject and Message fields will appear just as they will when the actual task is triggered and the email sent.

11. Make any desired changes to the email template, then click the green Submit button.

12. If you wish to add an attachment to your email, click here for instructions. If not, scroll down to the bottom of the Auto Task screen and click the green Update button.


    • If you do not click Update after creating your email, it will not be saved.

Your task will display with the group you assigned it to. An envelope icon will appear next to the task name, indicating that it is an email notification.

Did you know.....

You can click the

icon to edit an Email Notification without first opening the Auto Task.

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