Adding Clients/Sub Clients

Each property you respresent will have a client within Broker Brain. If you work directly with the bank, the bank is known as the client. If, however, you work with a servicer that represents the bank, the servicer will be known as the client, while the bank will be known as the sub client. While your clients are all added into the Admin>Clients tab, the Properties>Main tab is where you will make the Client/Sub Client distinction.

If you need to add clients into Broker Brain, click here for detailed information on how to do that. If you wish to add a client or sub client to a property, see the instructions below.

Adding a Client or Sub Client

1. From the Properties tab, click the Main sub tab on the left-hand side of the screen.

2. Click the Client sub tab at right, shown circled below. The following screen will appear:

3. Click the Edit button in the upper right-hand corner, as shown by the red arrow above. The following screen will display:

4. Add Client and/or Sub Client information as desired, then click the green Update button at the bottom of the screen.


    • The Client Rep information can be used for preserving contact information, but it can also be used for email notifications. Using Broker Brain's auto tasking feature, you can use the %client_rep_email% or %sub_client_rep_email% macros to send automatic email notifications directly to the Client Rep's or Sub Client Rep's email address. For more detailed information on use of this feature, click here.

    • For information on adding Seller contact information, click here.