Vendors & Vendor Contacts

After you have added a repair bid, you can add more vendors to the bid at any time. You can also add a Vendor Contact link for quick and easy access to the main contact's information or for the purpose of adding additional vendor contacts.

To add a vendor:

1. Open the bid and click the Bids sub tab to view the following screen:

2. Click Add Vendor, as shown circled above. The following screen will appear:

3. Click the drop-down arrow in the Vendor box.

4. Select the desired vendor, then click the Add button.

5. Click the Bids sub tab again to refresh the screen. Your new vendor will appear at the bottom of the dialog box.

Adding & Updating Vendor Contacts

Note that beneath the vendor name there is a box that shows some of the main contact's information. If you have additional information you would like to have accessible for the contact (such as their cell phone number or other pertinent information), you can do this by adding them to the Vendor Contacts section. You can also add additional contacts for a vendor here. Once you add a vendor contact, the contact will also be available for this vendor on other properties. Note: This can also be done from Admin>Vendors. To add a contact:

1. From the Vendor Bids screen, locate the Vendor Contacts section and click Add:

2. The screen below will appear. Any contacts that have been previously added will display. To select an existing contact, click Use, located adjacent to the contact's name.

3. If you wish to create a new contact, click Add New Contact to reveal the screen below. Add contact information and click the green Add button.

4. Contacts you add will be displayed in the Vendor Contacts section, as shown below. The first contact you add will display in a green box, noting it as the primary contact. Additional contacts will display in yellow boxes.


    • If you wish to change a secondary contact to the primary contact, click the button from that contact's box.

    • To view a contact's information, click the button.

    • To remove the contact from the property, click the button.

    • For more information on working with vendors, see Vendors.

To Remove a Vendor from a Bid

1. Locate the vendor on the Bids tab.

2. Click the red Delete button and confirm the deletion in the confirmation dialog box. The vendor will be removed from this bid only.