Vital Statistics

Duh duh duh da duh, vital statistics....

It's 7.30am during the Johnny Vaughan era - cue a barrage of trivia, facts and banishments to the Steps Of Woe to be unleashed. Vital Statistics proved so popular it spawned its own book, board game and The Big Breakfast even gave away T-Shirts, neck ties and, um, G-strings bearing the Vital Stats logo.

There's no worse crime than undermining the stat so here's some of the best in full Johnny Vaughan slapping-his-thigh-with-the-cue-card glory:

  • Percentage of women that say they would never exercise in front of a guy? – 20%

  • Percentage of married couple that met at work? – 22%

  • Average time that users spend viewing a webpage – 56 Seconds

  • Number of thefts of metal signposts recorded by the British Transport Police in 2008 – 1,807

  • Ashrita Furman from the USA currently holds the record for the longest distance walked with a pint of milk on his head in miles how far did he get? - 80.96 Miles

  • When lost, what percentage of Remote Control are found down the back of the sofa? 49%

  • Percentage of remote controls that are found in the owners car – 2%

  • By what percentage is an Apple Mac owner more likely to be a vegetarian than a PC owner? 80% Sproutamungus!

  • In percentage what is the likelihood that a man who commissions a paternity test is not the father of the child? 29.8%

  • Number of emails sent by Bill Clinton in his time as president? 2 Monicamissamo!

  • If one baby is born every minute, how many smart phones are activated per minute? 3

  • How many extra calories would you burn by staying awake all night instead of sleeping 135

  • Number of Playstation 3 consoles used by the US Air Force to create a $2million super-computer 1760

  • Number of stars visible to the human eye on a clear night - 2000

  • Length of the line that an average lead pencil can draw - 35 miles

  • Amount of times lightning strikes the Earth every second - 100

  • Height to which penguins can leap - 6ft

  • Depth to which seals can dive - 1000ft

  • Percentage of world's caviare that was consumed on QE2 every year - 17%

  • Number of people who celebrate the same birthday - 10,000,000

  • Amount of air you breathe in one minute - 2 Gallons

  • Number of verses in the Greek National Anthem - 158

Titanic Stats

    • Average weight of an iceberg - 20,000,000 tons

    • Robert W. Daniel filed for loss of property when the RMS Titanic sank his claim - $750,000 for a champion bulldog. BULLDOGOSO!

  • The Titanic disaster was predicted in a book by Morgan Robertson in 1898 - The book describes a ship the same size as the Titanic crashing into an iceberg on its maiden voyage on a misty April night. The name of this fictional ship - The Titan!

Random Stats

    • Amount of offspring two houseflies can produce in one season - 5,000,000,000,000. Manureamongus!

    • Amount of Oscars won by Walt Disney - 35

    • Amount of spiders contained in an acre of green land - 50,000

    • Number of Western films directed by women - 1

    • Amount blood vessels contained in the human body - 60,000 miles

    • Length of time it took to build the Great Wall Of China - 1700 years

    • Number of quills on the average porcupine - 30,000

    • Amount of money average woman in UK spends on clothing per year - £420

    • Length of longest ever engagement - 67 years

    • Highest amount of times the same couple have married - 55

    • Highest number of times one man has been best man - 964

Edible Stats

    • Tons of meat eaten every day in the world - 533000 tons

    • Number of mouthfuls everyone would have if that were shared out equally - 2

    • Amount of milk produced by the average cow daily - 31 pints

    • Number of mothers producing breast milk to produce equivalent amount - 197

    • Length of time to boil an ostrich egg - 40 minutes

Star Wars Stats

    • Number of people in UK called Darth Vader - 1 - he lives in Kent, may the stat be with you!

    • Amount of money George Lucas has made from Star Wars - $854 Million

    • Amount of money David Prowys (Darth Vader) has made from Star Wars - £1320

    • Number of asteroids hurled at the Millennium Falcon in The Empire Strikes Back - 74

    • Number of those asteroids that were actually potatoes - 1

    • Number of tins of Tartan paint requested on April Fools Day 1996 - 1245 APRILISSIMO!

    • Number of people struck by lightening in UK last year - 2

    • Pints of urine produced every day in the UK - 177.5 million

    • Length of time it would take that amount to pass over Niagara Falls - 9.8 seconds

    • Number of people in UK injured by toothpaste last year - 160

    • Number of people in UK injured by curtains last year - 3600

    • Amount blood vessels contained in the human body - 60,000 miles

    • Percentage of Americans who claim to be chronically shy - 40%

    • Percentage of Japanese who claim to be chronically shy - 57%

    • Percentage of British who claim to be chronically shy - 3.5%

Although every effort has been made to check that these facts are correct at the time of publishing, Planet 24 or A Load Of Bow Locks Website cannot be held responsible for any errors or changes in information since that time. Thanks to Johnny Vaughan who developed the idea for Vital Statistics and thanks to all the Big Breakfast Producers, researchers and writing team.