Paul Tonkinson

Paul could possibly hold the record for the shortest presenting stint on The Big Breakfast. Hosting just 54 shows (which he once discribed as 'all awful') the full reasons for his departure have never been revealed. Some say he was sacked after a disagreement with producer Richard Hopkins others say he simply walked.

Here's an interview from the beginning of hid Big Breakfast career in January 2001.

You must be getting a lot of attention at the moment.

It is all starting to flood in, yes. It's really nice - It's quite engulfing because I only got back from holiday in Tenerife two days ago, so suddenly my life's got manic. I've spent a lot of the last few days mooching round my house reading, so it's nice to get out, and to get paid for it is glorious.

And what would you normally be doing at four in the morning?

Of a weekend l'd be going to bed, so I'm going to have to turn my body clock round completely on its axis. I'll be wandering through the first day like an automaton.

Do you watch The Big Breakfast?

Yeah, I really like it, so it is quite odd coming onto it now, particularly when you're part of a relaunch. That's quite bizarre, but I am a fan of the Vaughanmeister. But I'm bound to be compared to him, and I've got to accept that. I'm not Johnny Vaughan, that's physically obvious.

Are you worried about stepping into his shoes?

No, because if I was I wouldn't have put, myself up for it. I think he's excellent, but if I didn't think I couldn't do the gig I wouldn't be up for it. It's a great show to do. I have no fear as I step up to The Big Breakfast plate.

But in the past it's been a bit of a poisoned chalice for presenters - look what happened to Kelly Brook.

But Kelly Brook was thrust into that situation possibly a bit too early. I really like what she did, but I don't think she had enough experience - she'd probably accept that now. Having said that a lot of people really enjoyed watching Kelly Brook of a morning, as indeed I did. I don't think I'll have quite the same fanbase as her. I remember tuning in one morning seeing her erect nipples, which were swiftly covered up. I could imagine viewers round the nation screaming at the TV "Nooooo!"

So will you be applying the ice cubes before you go on?

I might be lubing myself up before I go on. I insist on a full body wax before I appear in front of the nation.

Aren't you worried that the crew will be loyal to the memory of Johnny & Denise?

It's in their interest to feign amusement if they want to get paid.

Who was screen-tested against you?

I'm not going to tell you because they might get upset. Actually, I didn't ask which other guys went for it because I didn't want to know who I was up against.

As a relative unknown you must have been surprised to be picked.

I was very, very pleased, but not massively surprised. I immediately felt at home on that set, and they pick up on that, these producer types.

How do you get on with Amanda & Donna?

I get on really well with Amanda - she's moving to London soon, and we'll see more of each other then. And I did a show called Popgun with Donna in June, so I know her really well. But ask us in half a year when we have to see each other every day.

Interview conducted by Chris Longridge for Heat Magazine, used without permission.