A house so bold Coldplay wrote a song about it.
It seems the set dressers of the show manafested the new found confidence of The Big Breakfast in 1997. The dream team of Johnny & Denise arrived to find a house painted in a bright yellow replacing the art-deco white of the previous years.
Internally, walls were replaced and a homely feel reinstated in contrast to the sterile feel of 1996 with as much of the original layout as possible put back in place.
The living room was all yellow walls with orange swirls and a pale blue wall surrounding the fireplace.
The TV was encased in a green astro-turf case and the patio curtains pale blue with multicoloured dots. The chairs infront of the patio windows were reinstated.
The kitchen was repainted to a deep red colour with high-contrast lime green cupboards - a colour that also adorned the hallway walls.
The bannisters were white with flower filled test-tubes on each strut.
The house screamed 90s and certainly was a wake-up call for your eyeballs.