Juvenile Justice -- CRJU 3310 -- Spring 2021

Click here to read calendar

Zoomies: Click here to enter live class with Batch

Click Here to study Juvenile Content for Post Exam

Call Cell Phone anytime: 706-531-6399

Class meets TR at 12:30 in Young Hall 204

1st Quiz Spring 2021 (5) Study Guide --

2nd Quiz Spring 2021 (3) Study Guide --

3rd Quiz Spring 2021 (4) Study Guide --

4th Quiz Spring 2021 (1) Study Guide --

5th Quiz Spring 2021 (2) Study Guide -

6th Quiz Spring 2021 (6) Study Guide --

7th Quiz Spring 2021 (7) Study Guide --

8th Quiz Spring 2021 (8) Study Guide --

Outdated Quizzes Below

Spring 2021 Quiz 9: Study Guide --

Spring 2021 Quiz 10: Study Guide --

Spring 2021 Quiz 11: Study Guide --

Out-dated study guides

Juvenile Complaint Form ------> Click Here

GA Department of Juvenile Justice -----> Click Here

All other Batch classes taught:

Corrections CRJU 3311 B - CRN 1004 - This class is taught MWF at 9:00 AM in Newton Oakes 013

The Final Exam is on Wednesday, 12 Dec, at 08:00 in Newton Oakes 013

Corrections CRJU 3311 A - CRN 1003 - This class is taught TR at 8:00 AM in Newton Oakes 013

The Final Exam is on Tuesday, 13 Dec, at 08:00 in Newton Oakes 013