Quiz 6: Study Guide --

1st Theory of Causation -- (Classical, Neo-Classical, Rational choice, Deterrence)

2nd Theory of Causation -- Routine Activities Theory

Deterministic Theories

3rd Theory of Causation -- Theological (Deomonolgy)

4th Theory of Causation -- Biological (Phrenology and Somatotypes)--

5th Theory of Causation -- Psychological (Behaviorism / Learning Theory)

Sociological Theories / Psychological theories

Sociological Theories -- The principal authors

a) 6th Theory of Causation: Anomie Theory -- Durkheim

b) 7th Theory of Causation: Strain Theory -- Merton

c) 8th Theory of Causation: Drift Theory -- Sykes and Matza

Tenants of Anomie Theory.

Categories of risk factors.

1. Individual factors; 2. Social Economic Status factors;

3. Family factors; 4. Gender factors; 5. Race Factors

2nd Category Risk Factors: Social / Economic

Stepwise process by which underclass youth (from inner-city) become candidates for Juvenile Justice System

(The Mainstream culture acquires admiration for respectable citizens)

1) Expose:

2) Embrace:

3) Expect:

Process by which there is now a “polarization” between the inner-city dwellers and suburb dwellers

Step 4 = Polarization between cultures

Earning class justification for “polarization” between the inner-city dwellers and suburb dwellers

Ultimate outcome for juveniles

Key finding of studies that describe common middleclass values

Underclass children identified in the education system, and how might that shape the educational experience

Result from this “identification,” ultimately leading to juvenile detention

Cumulative effect” of social / Economic factors --