Q2 Study Guide

Research Methods -- CRJU 3601

Study guide for Quiz 2 -- Importance of Research Methods

 Data types (Metric -- Nominal) 


What are the two outcomes of engaging in a research effort / project? 


1) To predict a subject’s score on the variable of principle concern (Dependent Variable)

2) To explain variability among subjects in the population on the variable of principal concern (Dependent Variable). 


How do we improve prediction of the variable


We use the data from the independent variable


How do we explain variability on that variable


We use the data from the independent variable



Metric -- How much (the quantity) of a trait or characteristic a person or subject possesses.


Nominal -- Names only the characteristic, not the quantity.  A "fixed" characteristic or trait such as gender (male or female) or party affiliation (Republican, Democrat, or Independent). The levels of each category are mutually exclusive, meaning a person or subject can only belong to one category of the variable.


A metric variable supplies us with ____

How much (the quantity) of a trait or characteristic a person or subject possesses.


A nominal variable supplies us with ____


The name of the characteristic (category), not the quantity the characteristic. Because, it is a "fixed" characteristic or trait such as gender (male or female) or party affiliation (Republican, Democrat, or Independent). The levels of each category are mutually exclusive, meaning a person or subject can only belong to one category of the variable.


For nominal data, the variable is described by the freqency (f), and the Percent (%). The Mode is the best predictor of any randomly-drawn score in the data-set. It has a shortcoming: it doesn’t express variability.  Therefore, we compute the percent to use as a single number of variability in the data-set.

Steps in the research process 

Select topic -- Lit-review

Develop a Hypothesis                                          (Theory)

Operationalize concepts                  

Methodology                                                              (Null)

Collect Data

Test the Null Hypothesis using the Data             (Results)

Report findings                                                        (Analysis)


Sources of Knowledge and limitations of knowledge from these sources 


a)  Authority -- Overestimate expertise

b)  Tradition -- Changing circumstances make previously useful information less powerful.

c)  Common Sense -- Sometimes contains inaccuracies, misinformation, and prejudice.

d)  Personal Experience -- Subject to overgeneralization, selective observation, illogical reasoning, and resistance to change.

e)  Media -- Media accounts are exaggerated myths and are subject to commercialization.


Essence and two primary reasons for conducting research   

 Discovering the truth -- dispelling myths. 

 Characteristics of conducting research that distinguishes “research” from knowledge gained from “other sources”

 1.  Logical systematic methods and rigor

2.  Findings have the ability to be replicated or discredited. 

3.  Objectivity through neutrality, removal of bias, and openness 

What to do to prepare for Quiz 2: 

 Think about your research paper -- Have Zotero do the dirty work

Download and Print “Percentages Under Normal Curve” (bring a hard-copy to class every day)

Read “Knowledge-Base" for "Univariate Frequency Distributions”

Read “Cheat Sheet: Univariate Frequency Distributions”(create your own hand written copy) 

Accomplish “Homework: Univariate Frequency Distributions”