Quiz 8: Study Guide --

To convict someone of a crime

1) A written law and corresponding punishment (prior to act).

2) Demonstrated harm / damage to an entity protected under law.

3) Causation, the harm / damage was caused by the actus reus.

4) Concurrence: Actus reus (unlawful action) and mens rea (evil intention = malice) have to be connected

5) [along with circumstances] This constitutes a corpus delecti.

The Drift Theory: Sykes and Matza

Justifications for criminal behavior -- five neutralization strategies

Diminished Malice, Diminished Harm, Diminished Victim, Diminished Authority, Displaced Authority,

Profiles of male and female delinquents

1st Juvenile Court Act -- Uniform Juvenile Court Act -- encourage uniformity of purpose, scope, and procedures for all 50 states

Terminology to describe how a child becomes a “ward” of the state

Juvenile behaviors = delinquent acts / statutory behaviors (adult) = Crimes

Two kinds of Juvenile Delinquents

The Uniform Juvenile Court Act’s first preference when faced with removing a child from the home

Categories of risk factors