Study Guide Q4 -- Spring 2024

Study Guide Q4 --  Spring 2024  Corrections   CRJU 3311  Understanding Crime P2


Violent Crimes (4):  Robbery Rape Murder Assault


Property Crimes  (4+): Larceny Theft, Burglary, Auto Theft, Arson


Not on quiz:  Sixteen -- Part II offenses --  Simple assault, forgery and Counterfeiting, Fraud, Embezzlement, Stolen Property, Vandalism, Weapons, Prostitution, Sex Offenses (Adultery, fornication, Sodomy), Drug Abuse Violations, Gambling, Offenses Against the Family and Children (Nonviolent cruelty, Desertion, abandonment), Driving Under the Influence, Liquor Laws, Drunkenness, and Disorderly Conduct.


Age at which Violent crime peaks


Age at which property crime peaks


13 to 18-year-olds


Three crime facts regarding African-Americans / Latinos


Strongest predictor of criminality




The chivalry hypothesis


Three demographic factors in which most offenders mirror most victims and one exception


Official law-enforcement data reveals the relationship between income and crime


The weapon of choice for murder


Weapons used in violent crimes  


Technology increased “efficiency” of Corrections, probation, and parole