Study Guide 2

Study Guide Quiz 2  Fall 2023 Correctional Ideology Part 1    

The criminal justice process


Legislative Phase -- rule of law / legislature passes criminal laws

Crime Scene phase -- mens rea - actus reus  (crime) / investigation / probable cause / arrest

Pretrial phase –  probable cause hearing: sufficient evidence / bail preliminary hearing / charge / plea

Trial Phase -- court hearing for determination of guilt

Sentencing hearing -- PSI written by probation officer / sentenced by judge

Sentence served -- probation or incarceration / parole

The rule-of-Law

Civil law -- Criminal law

The Five Models of Corrections 

The three goals of corrections

           1st Goal: Punishment 

 The intended outcome of Punishment  

 Three rationalizations for the punishment of offenders

Expiatory view 

            Theological view 

Aesthetic view 

 Requirements for deterrence to work

 The flaw in punishment as specific deterrent

 The flaw in punishment as general deterrent

 Historical rationalization of punishment as incapacitation 

 Advantages of Selective Incapacitation

 Criticism of selective incapacitation