Quiz 9 Homework and Answers

Two-Way Chi-Square


The problems below were bivariate frequency distribution problems from Chapter 6 that are now being tested for statistical significance.


Problem 1: The Corps of Cadets at the police academy is faced with a challenge, a pass-fail assignment. Of the 56 people in the class, (comprised of 24 females and 32 males) 11 females failed and 23 males failed. Use the bivariate tables previously created from chapter 6 to test for a statistically significant difference in pass-fail rate among male and female cadets, between the observed and the expected count. The MOE was previously computed to analyze if corps membership improved the predictability of pass fail rate among cadets.


Problem 1 answer:


  What is the theory?  Females are higher achievers than are males. (O E)


  What is the null hypothesis?  There is not a statistically significant difference in cadets who “pass” among females and males between the observed and the expected count. (O = E)



  Test the Null and Report the results: Reject, X2(1) = 3.899, P < .05


  Provide the Analysis: The theory is supported Females are passing at a greater rate (54%) than are males (28%). Using the independent variable of student type (male or female) improved the predictability of pass fail by 9%.


                                       Females   Males          Total


F “Pass”                        13              9                (22)          E1 =    22

% “Pass”                     54%         28%                                                   11

F Count “Fail”              11            23                (34)                           9

% “Fail”                       46%         72%                               E2 =    20

Total                          (24)                  (32)             (56)



λ =  E1 - E2 / E1

λ =  22 - 20 / 22

λ = 2 / 22

λ =   .09    = 9%


                                                       Chi-square - TWO-WAY                                           

             Pass     Pass                     Fail                      Fail                      Totals                                                   

             Female Male                    Female                 Male                                                                                     

"O"      13        9                         11                        23                        56                                                         

"E"      9.43    12.57                   14.57                   19.43                   56                                                         

(O-E)   3.57    -3.57                    -3.57                    3.57                                                                                     

(O-E)2 12.76   12.76                   12.76                   12.76                                                                                    

(O-E)2/E  1.35    1.01                    0.88                    0.66                                                   

 X2obt  =  3.899

X2crit =  3.841


Problem 2: A new infant behavior analysis device has demonstrated the ability to foretell the potential for criminality among newborns in suburban and inner city hospitals. Out of 78 suburb babies, 23 were positively identified, and 55 were negative. Inner-city positives numbered 90, with 51 negative. The sample totaled 219.  Which neighborhood is more likely to produce criminals?  Does knowledge about which neighborhood the baby is from improve the ability to predict whether or not a given individual will be a criminal as shown by MOE?


Problem 2 answer:


  Theory?  Suburb babies are less likely to become criminals than their inner-city counterparts.  (O E)


  Null hypothesis?  There is not a statistically significant difference in persons who become offenders among those born in the Suburbs and Inner-city, between the observed and the expected count.  (O = E)



  Results:  Reject, X2(1) = 23.716, P. < .05


  Analysis:  The theory is supported. The inner-city produces a greater percentage of criminals (64% vs. 29%), there is a statistically significant difference between the observed and the expected count that would be obtained by chance if babies were not separated according to treatment. The difference could not be attributed to chance.


                                 In City       Sub               Total                                 

F “Positive”                    90                23             (113)             E1 =              106

% “Positive”                    64%             29%                                                      51

F “Negative”                   51                55             (106)                                       23

% “Negative”                  36%             71%                                E2 =              74

   Total                     (141)           (78)           (219)            


                  λ =  E1  - E2   / E1

                  λ =  106 - 74  / 106

                  λ =  32 /  106

                  λ =    .302   =   30%


                         Positive              Positive    Negative  Negative      Totals

Labels             Innercity             Suburbs    Innercity  Suburbs        


"O"                    90.000            23.000        51.000         55.000   219.000

"E"                    72.753            40.247        68.247         37.753   219.000

(O-E)                 17.247            -17.247        -17.247        17.247    

(O-E)2               297.444           297.444       297.444        297.444   

(O-E)2/E              4.088               7.391           4.358            7.879     

X2obt  =              23.716           

X2crit  =                3.841                                      



Problem 3: Two specialty units with the Memphis police department (the Narcotics unit and the Vice squad) are in competition to find which unit is more efficient at making arrests. Arrest efficiency is determined by whether or not a conviction is obtained (conviction or dismissed). The two divisions produced 926 arrests last year (vice = 447, Narc = 479). Vice scored 306 convictions, Narcotics scored 204).


Problem 3 answer:


  What is the theory?  Narcotics officers are more likely to get a conviction than vice officers.  (O E)


  What is the null hypothesis?  There is not a statistically significant difference in the number of convictions among Vice and Narcotics arrests, between the observed and the expected count.  (O = E)



  Test the Null and Report the results: Reject, X2(1)  = 62.532, P. < .05.


  Provide the Analysis: There is a statistically significant difference between the results we obtained and those that would be obtained by chance if no treatment were in effect. The bivariate percentages reveal that Vice had a significantly higher efficiency rating (68% vs. 43%). Using unit type as a predictor improved the predictability of convictions by 17%.


                                Narc       Vice           Total                    

F “Convictions”      204     306         (510)        E1 =              416

%  “Convictions”      43%      68%                                                     204

 “Dismissals”      275     141         (416)                              141

%  “Dismissals”        57%      32%                               E2 =              345

        Total             (479)   (447)       (926)       


                  λ =  E1  - E2   / E1

                  λ =  416 - 345 / 416

                  λ =  71 / 416

                  λ =     .171  = 17%


                  Conviction Conviction       Dismissals       Dismissals        Totals

Labels      Narc          Vice                 Narc                 Vice                   

"O"          204.000    306.000            275.000            141.000            926.000

"E"           263.812    246.188            215.188            200.812            926.000

(O-E)       -59.812     59.812              59.812              -59.812              

(O-E)2      3577.487  3577.487          3577.487          3577.487           

(O-E)2/E     13.561      14.532              16.625              17.815             

X2obt  =     62.532     

X2crit  =     3.841                                      



Problem 4: Are Asian immigrant teens more likely to join gangs in America than Latino teens? A social worker believes so, and asks Asian immigrant and Latino teens if they had been solicited to become members of an ethnic gang. Of 326 Asian immigrant teens 228 had been solicited. Latino teens numbered 78 in the affirmative category out of 185.


Problem 4 answer:


  What is the theory?  Asians will be more likely to be solicited than Latinos.  (O E)


  What is the null hypothesis?  There is not a statistically significant difference in the number of solicitations among Latino and Asian teens, between the observed and the expected count.  (O = E)



  Test the Null and Report the results: Reject, X2(1) = 37.904, P. < .05.


  Provide the Analysis: The Chi-square test reveals that Asians were vigorously sought after for gang membership (70% vs. 42%) significantly more than if random samples of teens were drawn and the differences were calculated without respect to treatment. Using unit type as a predictor improved the predictability of convictions by 14%.


                                     Asian           Latino          Total                                                                   

F “Solicited”               228               78              (306)           E1 =                    205

% “Solicited”                70%             42%                                                               98

F “Not Solicited”          98              107             (205)                                       78

% “Not Solicited”         30%             58%                                   E2 =                    176

Total                            (326)           (185)           (511)                    


                  λ =  E1  - E2   / E1

                  λ =  205 - 176 / 205

                λ 29 / 205

                  λ =    .141  = 14%


Gang Membership by Race

Chi-square - TWO-WAY

            Solicited     Solicited           Not Solicited   Not Solicited Totals

            Asian         Latino               Asian               Latino             

"O"    228.000     78.000              98.000             107.000         511.000

"E"     195.217     110.783            130.783           74.217           511.000

(O-E) 32.783       -32.783             -32.783            32.783            

(O-E)2 1074.711   1074.711          1074.711         1074.711        

(O-E)2/E   5.505         9.701            8.218         14.481        

X2obt  =   37.904      

X2crit  =    3.841                                      



Problem 5 Of the total eligible drivers equaling 186.2 million (Male = 95.4, Female = 90.8), there were a total of 78.9 vehicle stops (Male = 50.4, Female = 28.5). You are in charge of determining if there is a disparity among males and females concerning traffic stops? Create bivariate distribution tables (freq and %) for two nominal variables and compute MOE.


Problem 5 answer:


  What is the theory?  Males are stopped more than Females.  (O E)


  What is the null hypothesis?  There is not a statistically significant difference in the number of vehicle stops among Male or Female drivers, between the observed and the expected count. (O = E)



  Test the Null and Report the results: Reject, X2(1) = 8.760, P. <.05.


  Provide the Analysis: There is a statistically significant difference in the count of vehicle stops among male and female drivers (male = 53%, female = 31%) between the results in the sample and what would be obtained from random sample of drivers not separated by gender. The magnitude of effect (MOE) is weak MOE = 6%.


                       Male          Female          Total                                                        

F “Stop”       50.4          28.5              (78.9)        E1 =          78.9

% “Stop”       53%          31%                                                        45.0

F “Not Stop” 45.0          62.3            (107.3)                             28.5

% “Not Stop” 47%          69% 

Total              (95.4)        (90.8)          (186.2)       E2 =          73.5



             λ =  E1  - E2 /  E1

             λ =  78.9 - 73.5 / 78.9

             λ =  5.4    /  78.9

             λ =  .068  = 7%


                                                                             Chi-square - TWO-WAY                    

                 Stopped           Stopped               Not Stopped    Not Stopped            Totals

                        Male                 Female             Male                        Female                  

"O"          50.400             28.500                 45.000             62.300                     186.200

"E"           40.425             38.475                 54.975             52.325                     186.200

(O-E)        9.975              -9.975                  -9.975              9.975                       

(O-E)2     99.509             99.509                 99.509             99.509                      

(O-E)2/E  2.462              2.586                  1.810              1.902                       

X2obt  =    8.760             

X2crit  =    3.841                                               
