3rd Quiz (4): Study Guide -- Spring 2021

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Study Guide -- Offenses -- (Part 2) Juvenile Justice -- CRJU 3310 Spring 2021

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(Choice Theories)

(Deterministic Theories) 3rd Theory of Causation: Theological (demonology)

4th Theory of Causation: Biological

Pioneer of Biological Theories -- The discipline and theory

Follow-up work on the physiological theory of Cesare Lombroso -- Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck

The validity of inherited criminal tendencies

Disciplines that now contribute the bulk of current research

The upper age-limit concerning petitions of delinquency “nationwide” / Georgia

The lower age-limit concerning petitions of delinquency (Doli incapax)

Official -- UCR (cleared by arrest), NIBRS (known to police)

Unofficial -- NCVS (occur but not reported) Self-report surveys (Offender data)

Utility of using only the “legal” definition to define a juvenile as “delinquent”

Gender and race factors that distort the numbers

Black juveniles and their representation in the violent-crime / property-crime index,

Social class (underclass / earning-class) negatively affects African Americans in “official” crime statistics

Law enforcement agencies report “official” statistics and the accuracy of those figures.

Reasons for not reporting

(1) Private or personal matters

(2) Don’t believe anything can be done about it anyway.

(3) Fear of Reprisal

(4) Not convenient (It is a major hassle)

(5) Lack of Proof

Support for using “behavioral definitions” for defining delinquency.

Criticisms of using “unofficial” statistics

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