Q6 Study Guide

Research Methods -- CRJU 3601 -- Study Guide

Surveys (Percentage Above)

Components of a survey

1) Sample selection

2) Question design

3) Survey distribution

Three types of non-respondents:

Issue: non-responses to surveys


Examples of questions / template for your designing research

Inter-University Consortium for Politics and Social research (ICPSR)

Indexes and Scales

Individual questions

The collection of items



Sample Scale: "Political Ideology: Liberal-Conservative”

Scales measure underlying attitudes.

1. Are you in favor of a woman's right to an abortion? Yes No

2. Do you support gun control? Yes No

3. Should firms hire based on affirmative action principles? Yes No

Twenty questions -- proportion of “Yes” answers shows how liberal. Yes to every question is maximum liberal, YES to none of them is maximum conservative.
