Study Guide Quiz 1 -- Fall 2023

History and Fundamental Corrections

The criminal justice process


0.  Legislative Phase -- rule of law / legislature passes criminal laws

1.  Crime Scene phase -- mens rea - actus reus  (crime) / investigation / probable cause / arrest

2.  Pretrial phase -- sufficient evidence / bail / preliminary hearing / charge / plea

3.  Trial Phase -- court hearing for determination of guilt

4.  Sentencing hearing -- PSI written by probation officer / sentenced by judge (probation or incarceration)

5.  Sentence served --  parole


Punishment model 600 BC - 1700

Colonial model 1700 to 1890

Reform Model 1890 - 1920  

Medical Model 1920 - 1950    

Education Model 1960 - 1980


Colonial Era

         Western and Eastern Pennsylvania Penitentiaries

         Auburn prison

         Discipline used in Auburn system

Reformatory Era 1890 to 1920

Industrial Prisons 1900-1935 

Factors that stopped the industrial prison era 1935

         1.  Labor unions

         2.  The Hawes-Cooper (subject to state laws where shipped

         3.  Ashurst-Sumners Acts -- ID prison-made goods halting transportation across state lines

         4.  The Great Depression.

Period of Transition -- (1935-1960)


      1.  Gradual shift from idle punishment to rehabilitation  

      2.  They built supermax prisons in America

      3.  The federal bureau of prisons became a leader

      4.  In the 1950’s you had excessive overcrowding of institutions.


Increased prison population since 1980’s