4th Quiz (1) Study Guide -- Spring 2021

Study Guide -- Quiz One -- History -- (Part 1)

Two basic approaches to explaining criminal behavior

1st Theory of Causation

Classical Theory -- Authors: Cesare Beccaria (1738-1794) On Crimes and Punishment in 1764. Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832)

Tenants of the “original” Classical theory of criminal behavior


Neo-Classical --1800

Deterrence theory 1980’s

Tenants of the deterrence theory of criminal behavior

The shortcoming of the deterrence theory.

Four legal reasons a juvenile might come to be processed by the juvenile court.

Delinquency (criminal activity), dependent (No family), neglected (harmful family - abused), CHIN (incorrigible)

Origin of separating juvenile offenders from adult offenders in this country

When and why the first family court was created in Illinois.

The late 20th century to damage the gains achieved by proponents of juvenile justice

The term “culpable.”

Age of responsibility -- (doli incapax) established by Roman Civil Law and Anglo Saxon Common Law -- evolved from the year (1 CE to the year 1100 or 1200) males and females. doli capax.

Mens Rea

In Loco Parentis” and the impact it had on modern-day juvenile justice

Chancery court and its effects on juvenile justice

Committed Crime Orphaned Abused Incorrigible

Uniform Juvenile Court Act Delinquent (age 18) Dependent Neglected CHIN (supervision)

2010 Old Code Terms Delinquent (age 17) Deprived Deprived Unruly

2015 New Code Terms Delinquent (age 17) Dependent Dependent (Includes Neglected and Abused) CHIN (Services)