Study Guide 6

The 4-part charge of the Wickersham Commission


Three  areas of investigation under the category “the causes of crime.


(1) Criminal Statistics,

(2) Crime and the Foreign Born (persons from other countries)

(3) The Cost of Crime


The Author of the final Wickersham Report


Two challenges




         Six abuses by police and prosecutors that the Wickersham Commission set out to correct.


(1) Use of the "third degree"

(2) bribery (quid pro quo)

(3) coercion of witnesses (forcing false, repressing true testimony)

(4) entrapment (police inducing illegal acts)

(5) fabricating evidence

(6) illegal wiretapping.


The end report -- suggestion


OW Wilson


President Johnson’s Law Enforcement Office


The President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice report


Goal of that report

Survey instrument

Modern-day agency


The end report


Experiment conducted on police methods in 1972


Three data instruments


The results


Law-enforcement-officer subculture


“Standards of evidence” burden of proof