1st Quiz (5): Study Guide --

Juvenile Justice -- CRJU 3310

Study Guide -- Quiz five -- Juvenile Offenders -- (Part 1)

1st Theory of Causation: Classical, Neo-Classical, Rational choice, Deterrence

2nd Theory of Causation: Routine Activities Theory

3rd Theory of Causation: Theological (demonology)

4th Theory of Causation: Biological (Phrenology and Somatotypes)

5th Theory of Causation: Psychological (Behaviorism and learning Theory)

Psychological Theories

Background to the 5th Theory of Causation: (Behaviorism and learning Theory)

Sigmund Freud Goddard (1914) B. F. Skinner

Introduction to Psychological Theories: Freud and Freudian Psychology

The psychoanalytic approach,

Elements of the personality according to Freudian psychology

The “Id” The “Ego” The “Superego”

Source of each element of the personality

Concepts of psychopathology

Henry H. Goddard -- Kallikak family in 1914 -- inherited feeblemindedness.

Behaviorism and Learning Theory -- B. F. Skinner

The “focus” of his research in contrast to biological and psychological approach

Learned responses -- specific stimuli the key to controlling social behavior -- Conditioning

An example in juvenile society

Categories of risk factors --

1. Individual factors 2. Social / Economic status factors 3. Family factors

4. Gender factors 5. Race Factors

Components of the “individual” risk factor category

Anti-social behavior / Drug use or Dealing drugs Gun Possession

Early sexual involvement / teen parenthood Developmental disabilities

Victimization Poor school achievement