The Temple of the Holy Spirit

1Corinthians 3:16 = 5476

Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

The Temple Cube was discovered some time ago. The fact that it is born of the exact lettering of the first verse, already makes it a highly important development in biblical mathematics. Recently, for some reason, I looked back and thought I saw some new connections to this configuration. What I thought was a few, has turned out to be a lot, a whole lot.


The architecture here is designed to house a wide variety of varied mathematics. Important to note however, that we are only really interested in sums that produce full rotational symmetry, which is a fancy way of saying 'It looks the same every which way.'

I am confident that this configuration will continue

to produce new discoveries for a long time to come.

This configuration is an overly abundant proof of the existence and Deity of Jesus Christ in more ways than you can count.

Each minor cube is the sum of the name Jesus, in the world's most popular language. Multiplying the name by itself (Jesus times Jesus or Jesus Squared) renders the sum of the first verse of the Bible, a simple and elegant proof any child could understand and accept. Each face of each minor cube also testifies to this by the sum of 21, the sum of I AM (Eheyeh), from Exodus 3:14, producing an obvious riddle of 'I AM Jesus' many times over. This is further reinforced by each face of the major cube that is the sum of 21x21 the sum of the Hebrew word for 'Truth.'


over & over & over again

The number of ways this formation presents this equation is easy to calculate: six sides times seventy-four minor cubes or 444 the sum of the OT Hebrew word for 'Temple' or 'Tabernacle' or 'Sanctuary.'

Temple = 444



6 x 74 = 444

Adding the title of Christ to the English ordinal, the sum comes to 151, which makes another cross cube, this one out of the 7th cube, with a full axis and diagonal interior lines from the eight vertices. The 77 'Christ' cubes fills in and expands the Jesus-74 cube construction (in dark blue).

Jesus (74) Christ (77)

English Ordinal

74 + 77 = 151

The interior matter which connects the vertices and center-points comes to 29 the sum of the Hebrew ordinal for Lord (Adonai)

This construction shares a strong similarity with the Greek, by adding the final title of 'Lord' a matching base can be fitted to the cube.

It is the way in which this myriad complex interacts with the rest of the Bible, however, that is something we haven't yet seen in biblical mathematics. First is its connection to the Fountain of the Water of Life, a once mysterious and now increasingly important and better understood concept.


The ordinal rendition of the Greek 'The Fountain of the Water of Life' = 270 (3^3 x 10)

which can fit within the cubes of any two crosses or any two edges.

One of the most fitting connections to the Temple of Holy Spirit configuration is how 'The Fountain of the Water of Life' fits so perfectly within it. The max dimensions of the temple construct itself is 25x25x25 so that its interior must be 15x15x15, a void from which can spring the eternal fountain of life — ex nihilo.

The Fountain of the Water of Life

η πηγη του υδατος της ζωης

= 15 x 15 x 15

15 x 15 becomes 15 x 15 x 15

74 x 27 = 1998

This animation reveals the connection between Genesis 1:1 and the Fountain of the Water of Life mentioned in the book of Revelation whose Greek sum is the 15th cube. The first five words of the Bible 'In the beginning God created the heavens...' comes to 225 ordinal and 1998 standard, both of which figure in the construction of 3375, the 15th cube. This can be called the Cube of Yah, the Hebrew abbreviation of the sacred Hashem, the name of the Lord, which was so prevalent in the ancient language itself.

But what does it mean?

Jenkins Containment or the geometric division (T-37 inside of T-73) of the Earth inside the Heavens, can be seen as a grand metaphysical riddle or the universe in a nutshell, to quote a Stephen Hawking's book.

"I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space-"

— Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2

What this means is, that Jenkin's Containment inverts the common man's understanding of physical reality itself. It might go something like this: The spiritual world (that internal perpetual awareness of my own existence) is locked away inside a box deviously hidden somewhere inside my brain that no scientist can ever seem to find. BUT what Genesis 1:1 is proclaiming, philosophically and metaphysically, is that the physical world is actually hidden in a locked-box somewhere inside the awareness of your spirit. That's the meaning of Jenkin's Containment, the 37th triangle bounded inside the 73rd triangle — the universe bounded in a nutshell.

This can be better understood by appreciating what the ancients meant by the term 'Heavens.' The heavens were not 'outer-space' as such, the 'heavens' were more a reference to the world of spirit in the grandest cosmological sense (the German geist or the non-physical world). This is Descartes impossible-to-challenge metaphysical duality of the mental (noumenal) and the physical (phenomenal) — heaven and earth. This then would indicate that the 'Fountain of the Water of Life' and other similar phrases are referencing the noumenal world, the world of spirit whose source is only in God.

This concept is the basis of all religion.

The animation below shows how the standard sum of Genesis 1:1 (2701) fits perfectly within the alphabetically expanded sum of Genesis 1:1 (5476) with full rotational symmetry. Importantly, this geometry also preserves Jenkins Containment, where the 703 'And the Earth' sum is contained (in three dimensions now) by the 1998 'In the beginning God created the heavens...' sum.

(Genesis 1:1 in (2701 in 5476) Genesis 1:1)

Genesis 1:1 fits within 5476 like so: 3^3 inside each 74 Jesus Cube = 1998 and 26 x 27 + 1 = 703

The Temple Cube (5476) has shown itself to be a master template unlike any other. Its construction based on the Jesus Cube of 74 x 74 is not only illustrious of the cross of salvation but it houses a wide variety of other important concept and verses.

Perhaps the best example of how 5476 is a template, is how these two verses coordinate both their theology and their geometry to illustrate flowing rivers of living water:

1Corinthians 3:16 = 74 x74

Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

John 7:38

“He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”

(15^3) + (24 x 5^3) + (27^3 - 25^3) = 10,433

Configurations like these very often contain 'mathematical watermarks' or secondary proofs hidden in the grammar of the sentence. Here we find it in the exact composition of the sentence in Greek, where the embedded phrase, 'As the Scripture has said' conforms to the flowing waters in the number 1800 (300 x 6) a reference to the Spirit of God (300) and a nod to the Three-Seven Code as it is contained by the 21st cube (3 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 7 x 7).

The 3D puzzle of the name the Lord Jesus Christ — 3168

The NAME in the FRAME

The enduring question of biblical mathematics is the connections between both testaments in general and between Jesus and/or God in particular. Perhaps the most as-of-yet unappreciated feature of biblical mathematics is its ability to elucidate and clarify difficult, if not totally obscured, issues in Christian theology and the essential nature of the Divinity.

With this in mind, every researcher should always consider every new discovery in the light of the sacred names of Jesus (2197, 2368 and 3168 perhaps most of all), since, we must assume, that the creator can and does hold every number and configuration of geometry all in mind at the same time.

So when one attempts to construct the sacred name within the confines of the Temple of the Holy Spirit, one discovers it waiting there for you, embedded in the eternal architecture of its own geometry. What's more, they discover something never revealed about the three triune essences of the name.

The full holy name and title of the Lord Jesus Christ (3168) coordinates and integrates with the Temple in a multitude of ways, and stands alone on its own right.

The above animation displays the unified name in a variation on the Amen Configuration. By dividing the name, we find its subdivisions accord themselves to the Temple and unto their own unique interlocking geometry.

The basic component of the name is the block and spindle. These can be understood to be the 'atomic-elements' in the name, for they share a natural similarity to the three basic components of the atom: The Proton, the Electron and the Neutron — positive, negative and neutral charges.

The atomic elements of Jesus and Christ are modular and interlocking.

These atomic elements combine into larger molecules, that are organized with a complimentary chemistry.

All three separate components fit within the confines of the frame and architecture of the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

These geometries of the name also correlate with other highly important passages in the life and theology of Christ. Perhaps the most striking is the connection between Luke 23:46 whose numerical sum is an anagram of the chapter and verse number (2346 becomes 4263) and represents the final words of Jesus Christ prior to his death by crucifixion.

Christ's Final Words:

"Father into thy hands I commit my spirit."

Each aperture in the white cross cube of His name has 73 empty spaces.

The fountain of the water of life, here appears to be synonymous with Spirit in general and Christ's Spirit in specific and is in full agreement with the theology of 1Corinthians 3:16, where the Holy Spirit dwells within the Temple of God.

1Corinthians 3:16 = 5476

Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

The 4263-configuration displays the truly fractal nature of this math and metaphor, where the name 'Jesus' is represented by a continuously repeating cross in the three dimensions. Almost like some ancient gemstone or a jewel encrusted reliquary, the crosses of the name Jesus, fasten the stone (the cube 3375) into place, like the setting of a ring or the binding of a theology.

If we replace the white Jesus surrounding sum and replace it with its partner Christ —1480 the sum now becomes the very last of the Ten Commandments:

לא תחמד בית רעך לא־תחמד אשת רעך ועבדו ואמתו ושורו וחמרו וכל אשר לרעך

Exo. 20:17

“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house;

you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant,

nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey,

nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”

3375 + 1480

This is what you might call highly attenuated geometry, encased in both historical time and the timeless space of geometry.

By taking the name AND the specific geometry of the Lord Jesus Christ — 3168 we find one of the most important Pauline verses in the theology of the Son, His lineage according to Melchizedek. This is naturally enough a self referential lineage, where the foundation of this verse is in the name, number and geometry of 3168.

This is a representation of a Temple and more:

Jesus Christ plus THREE

In Christ's most famous reference to the Temple, we find this same architecture in a very basic arithmetic of 2368 plus 3000. The 24 windows (125 each) comes to the nice round and even number 3000, but more importantly it perfectly fills in the empty spaces of the Temple of the Holy Spirit, which is being reference by its own absence.


From an initial survey this configuration (the Temple Cube — 5476) coordinates its geometry with a wide ranging number of theologically important verses, once again with critical full rotational symmetry. It often does this by encasing the Temple Cube in outer layers of surrounding shells of cubes.

One of the more important verses in the historical evidence for biblical gematria is in Galatians 3:17, in which Paul sites 430 years in reference to the 'Law'. This is a classic example of the ancient use of numerical puns where the Greek sum for the word 'Law' is equivalent to 430. It is unthinkable that either Paul or his readers would not have picked up on this basic arithmetic. One must remember, at the time, the only numbers available to the Greek reader were these selfsame Greek letters.

The Romans 3:20 sum shows both a progression in theology and the mathematics. The underlying meaning of these exceedingly complex configurations is, however, remarkably simple: The Law is founded upon the cross of salvation, a cross composed of the name Jesus, the Savior and Son of God.

That is Christian theology in a nutshell.

The third iteration of this unique geometry is found in Revelation 21:12, in a detailed description of the promised New Jerusalem, perhaps promising a yet further progression in the theology.

Revelation 1:8

I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End...

The number of ways in which this construction interacts with verses in the book of Revelation is not only numerous, but profound, if not disturbingly accurate. One of the most straight-forward verses in all the New Testament comes from the first chapter of Revelation verse eight. In this expressly clear identity of the Christian Lord, we find yet another perfect correspondence with the Temple formation.

The above connections are only highlights of the many patterns found in the book of Revelation that connect to this specific architecture.

If we add to this configuration three layers of major crosses per side

(9 x 25 = 225 each) we get this highly informative verse:

John 5:26

For as the Father hath life in himself;

so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself;

The most powerful and interesting math in the Bible is, naturally enough, always about Jesus, be it Old Testament or New. The Temple of the Holy Spirit Configuration has been shown to be connected to both the first verse and the name Lord-Jesus-Christ, the twin pillars of biblical mathematics and the acid test of truth. The configuration is, with over 5,000 individual parts, highly complex. It is this sizeable complexity that allows it to connect to many different passages in so many different ways.

One of the most famous OT prophecies concerning the Coming Christ is found in Isaiah 9:6, whose poetry transcends time and language. This construct has a certain 'style' and its focus is on the perimeter or outlines of the Temple. The edges of the minor cubes comes to 44, and the surface points or shell of the 'Fountain of the Water of Life' is 1178, together producing 4434.

The sheer abundance of these configuration-variations means that the details of these constructs are still largely unexplored and are more than likely to be filled with unexpected wonders and marvelous correlations that hopefully other interested students and scholars will discover in the days to come.

Leonardo Da Vinci's Annunciation is one of his earliest completed paintings.

Certain moments in the life of Christ are so poignant they are given their own name. The Annunciation, in which the angel Gabriel comes unto Mary announcing her favor with God, is central to the famous 'Opening-Act' in the story of the Lord. From a biblical mathematics perspective it is not wholly unexpected that these moments are also celebrated with certain telling patterns.

And the Annunciation is most telling indeed...

You wouldn't be wrong in thinking that this looks like a metaphorical 'Egg' — the Messiah in utero.

At first glance this composite configuration might not look like it belongs here. It is however the dimensions of its two components that is revealing. The cube of the Fountain of the Water of Life is a perfect fit for the interior of the Temple, but just inside of that is the 13th cube, the cube of Jesus of Nazareth, another important occupant in the theology of this complex. The second container wraps the entire complex in a membrane, if you will. These two features can be classified as opposites: the inner-inner sanctum and the outer-outer sanctum — as in a temple.

Although the mathematics and geometry at this scale are limiting and such objects appear all-too-square and blocky, their underlying truth is most profound indeed. The simple message of this configuration is that of the egg, the ovum, the Child within the womb of Mary whose name would come to be known as Jesus of Nazareth.

God's Blessing of Sarah

By adding the very next verse (Luke 2:14) we get the sum of 4 x 6 x 644 = 15,456 or 24 Windows x Emmanuel εμμανουηλ — 644. This number is also cubic being the 55th cube-frame or the average of the 37th and 73rd cube-frames.

The above image shows the configuration in full opposite, where the cage of 74 is now filled and replaced by the hash-cube of 51. This sum then gives us God blessing of Sarah from Genesis 17:16, where her motherhood and progeny are promised, including and most importantly the Christ-child.

By filling this formation with its own fractal formation, and living waters, we get the sum of Luke 2:13 the angelic host announcing the birth of Christ. These two verses display internalized mathematics symbolic of the internalized womb.

The 37th cube here, appears to be 'Having' or 'Containing' both the Father and the Son.

We have only just begun exploring the number of ways that the Temple of the Holy Spirit Configuration connects to important passages in the Bible, highlighting them all is beyond the scope of anyone person. The above graphic, however, displays how certain points of theology can be stressed in the mathematics, here in the coefficients of the basic outline of how to construct such a composite figure.

Figures, such as from 2John 2:19, are appealing in that they appear to represent the faith of a Christian with a solid geometry. This is the math and metaphor of the Christian walk, of the believer spiritually having within them the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Personally, this is not only intellectually exciting but spiritually comforting.

One of the old stand-bys in the Golden Years of biblical mathematics (1990-2005) is Genesis 1:4 which showed up on investigators radar because of it being a multiple of 37. The sum 1776 is curious for being both the year of the American Revolution and twice the sum of the name Jesus (888x2), perhaps suggesting an imminent return.

This sum is also connected to the water of life in the phrasing of Rev. 22:1 and the 'River of Life,' Revelation 22:1 (NKJV) And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb.

River of Life

ποταμος ζωης

= 1776

How does this relate to Genesis 1:4? The river of life could be a reference to the Milky Way Galaxy. In the ancient world, where light pollution did not obscure the full starry tapestry of the night sky, the stars were of overwhelming significance. Though the ancients were not aware of the astronomical scientific definition of the Milky Way (it being the Galaxy) it was filled however with mythological and religious significance, most often referred to as the 'celestial-river,' not too far a leap from the River of Life.

Is the Milky Way Galaxy a symbol for the River of Life?

By filling all the windows of each minor cube we not only achieve the sum of the Genesis 1:4, we also create a new formation that is the sum of this highly revealing verse in the book of Revelation.

Rev. 21:22 = 7252

And I saw no temple therein for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.

With this dual formation of 74 x 98 or 98 x 74 ( 74 = Jesus Cube & 98 = 5^3 - 3^3) we can recreate a variation on the Temple of the Holy Spirit. The wording of this verse is both manifestly theological and filled with geometric puzzles and well known ancient riddles of gematria that the Disciples surely must have been aware of, such as the numerical puns between the Greek and Hebrew languages in the name of their Master.

The Temple (ο ναος) = 391 = Jesus (יהושע)

(The) Lamb (αμνος) = 361 = Of Nazareth (הנוצרי)

The fragment 'For the Lord God Almighty' and its sum 3150 interacts with the faces of the dual cubes in a of number ways...

This is a mathematical riddle of the highest theological pedigree. The passage is referencing the promised New Jerusalem with a strange turn of a phrase, where there was no temple, because the the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple thereof. Doubtless there are many more ways in which the geometries and the gematria fit together, but the most resplendent is the 3150 sum where the Lord God Almighty is the blueprint and form of the six faces of both dual cubes.

7252 - 3150 = 4102 = 586 x 7

(JERUSALEM ירושלם times SEVEN)

Subtracting the sum 3150 from 7252, we get 4102, the sum of Luke 12:12 For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say, a reference to the missing person of the Trinity. This extracted sum 3150 also has a subtle reference, which might have been lost if not for the multitude of manifestations in the geometry. Once again it is referencing the Cartesian metaphysical dualities, the geometry of which is apparent in the dual construct of the sum 7252 (Rev. 21:22). It also hits upon one of the more mysterious verses in the Genesis Account.

Genesis 3:22 = 3150

And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us,

to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand,

and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

The reference here is of course to the Tree of Life, a purely 'spiritual' object, very similar it seems to the Fountain of the Water of Life. A fuller understanding of these connections is found in the metaphysical philosophies of Descartes, Pythagoras, Plato (and the Platonic Forms et al) and more accurately and fundamentally in that of the philosophy of mathematics itself. To paraphrase such a grand philosophy is itself a wretched but necessary tragedy, so here it goes: Mathematics governs science and the manifestation of the physical, yet it is, in-and-of-itself-non-physical, i.e. spiritual, this is also known as Descartes's duality or mind-body dualism.

One might argue and argue correctly, that this is the very meaning and nexus of all science, philosophy and religion.

A central figure in the development of the Platonic Forms were the Platonic Solids or Polyhedrons, of which there are only five such perfect forms in this or any universe. The first of these is the tetrahedron (3D triangle) whose 200 digit repeat cycle (the infinite cycle of the last two-digits of all tetrahedral numbers) has a digital sum of 9250, a simple multiple of Jesus Christ in English (925) and the 'full-form' of the Temple of the Holy Spirit Configuration.


This is a property it shares with the 200 Digit Dodecahedral Cycle. Whereas the tetrahedron is the only platonic solid that is non-dual or self-dual, the dodecahedron can be seen as the master platonic form, because all other platonic forms (including itself) can be merged and transformed into another dodecahedral shape.*


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© Copyright 2020, All rights reserved, John Elias

'If my mental processes are determined wholly by the motions of atoms in my brain, I have no reason to suppose that my beliefs are true ... and hence I have no reason for supposing my brain to be composed of atoms.'

J. B. S. Haldane, Possible Worlds

'If minds are wholly dependent on brains, and brains on biochemistry, and biochemistry (in the long run) on the meaningless flux of the atoms, I cannot understand how the thought of those minds should have any more significance than the sound of the wind in the trees.'

C. S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory and Other Addresses