31,102 VERSES

The Cornerstone of the Bible by johnelias on Sketchfab

One of the great lingering mysteries of biblical mathematics is the number verses in the Protestant Bible. This sum (31,102) was cannonized long ago, not by bishops, cardinal or theologians, but by proofers, editors and typesetters in the book binding and manufacturing trade.

This sum (31,102) lies directly over top the 73rd star number (31,537). By removing the 29th triangle (435), 29 being the sum of the Hebrew ordinal for 'Lord' Adonai, we find a complete listing of every verse in the Bible in the orderly shape of a Star of David.

The Bible of course is far and away the best selling book in history. Due to its size, density and sheer number of revisions, the industry has developed its own set of rule for its proper presentation, chief among these is the standardized versification established by Robert Estienne in 1551.

The rather bland and frankly uninteresting semi-prime number 31,102, has up and to this point resisted most efforts to describe it in any other way than bland and frankly uninteresting.

Interesting numbers are more along the lines of highly composite numbers, which have an abundance of divisors. Numbers like these are the socialites of the integers who are friends with many a divisor.

So the number of verses in the Protestant Bible, barely lives up to rightly dividing the word of truth.

However, since we have only one number, and since we will only ever have one number, we must be very thorough in our investigation to make sure nothing has managed to slip the net.

The divisors of 31,102 the number of verses in the Bible.

1, 2, 15551, 31102

As you can see the divisors do one and only one thing, divide the book cleaning in two. yet one of the best tools is the every handy OEIS (On-line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences) website and database, the modern mathematicians best online friend. When we do a search one OEIS we find our listing, listing the divisors of 31,102. As it turns out these divisors are a lot more interesting than we thought.

1 + 2 + 15,551 + 31,102 = 46,656

6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 = 46,656


Now this number is anything but boring...

46,656 can be seen as 216 cubes, each made up of 216 cubes.

Six to the sixth power is also known as 216 squared, a number that would make any Jewish numerologist jump. This number is one of those 'scary' numbers in biblical mathematics. It's right up there with 13 and 666 and might garnish a lot more superstition if it wasn't for the fact that it required a little math to comprehend it.

Numbers like 216, 6^6 and 666 are common to Biblical mathematics and tend to appear in the margins of the mathematics, like some secondary after-effect. For most Christians these numbers are not just terrifying, they are downright perplexing. They don't seem to make sense. Personally, I have nearly been accused of perpetrating a satanic fraud, due the sheer frightful spectre of seeing all those 6's in a row. To this I can only say: I didn't write the Bible and any number found there was put there either by God or chance, depending on your metaphysical perspective.

However, mathematically anything to do with the number 6 is always going to be interesting, since it is akin to the foundation of mathematical complexity. These 6-numbers are also very much connected to the foundational mathematics of the first verse.

The perimeter here of T(73) of Genesis 1:1 was the first indication of the 6,6,6 phenomenon.

A second direct connection to the first verse is found in less often employed modern Hebrew with sophit final forms. Although classical Hebrew gematria is almost universally preferred by Biblical mathematical enthusiasts, the modern form is no less a language, no less a code and a no less a miracle completely outside of the purview and machinations of man.

The square of Jesus Christ is composed of a square of squares, each one God²

So what does the 6 and the number 6 in repetition mean?

To those Christian scholar unacquainted with copious developments in Biblical mathematics, these numbers more often than not, become simply satanic or at best refer to the antiquated notion that 6 is the number of man, being that man was created on the sixth day. If however we broaden our perspective we realize, that biblically, everything was created in 6 days (not necessarily 6 literal solar day, but 6 units of measure from the divine perspective and scientifically the epochs of Einsteinian relative time-space).

In other words, 6 is the number of creation. This makes far more sense scientifically and mathematically.

For those still bothered by the 666 dilemma it is best then to think of these sorts of numbers as the 'Shadow of God', for wheresoever He goes He leaves behind a trail of 6's. So why then was the Beast of Revelation so numbered? Early Christians would supply a ready answer. God who is Christ appoints all things, including the despotic rulers over the earth and these are sometimes marked with His shadow.

But what is really intriguing about this number and it connection to the number of verses in the standard Bible is how it connects to the Three-Seven fractal. We have seen how the number 6 appears ever lingering at the periphery of primary mathematical constructs in the Bible, but with this number we see something NEW, for it hides a multitude of Three-Seven geometry.

The chief feature of the geometry of 6 is is related to the 6 sides of a cube (as seen above and below). The geometry of a cube is the perfection of 3-dimensional space, height, width and depth. the key to unlocking the Three-Seven secrets of this number is to understand they are to be oriented in those cardinal directions.

The 37th octagon (5186) makes manifest this phenomenon when we aligned them to three directions.

An entire host of 37-based geometry is discovered in the factors of the sixth power when we remove two from each construction.

Why two?

I'll have to admit it stumped me for some time. To my knowledge these extraordinarily complex configurations do not marry or unite in any one large configuration. But when orientate them to the cardinal directions, removing a pilot hole on opposite sides the entire complexity is made manifest. I can think of no other way in which subtracting two from these formations creates a united whole.

We can see this cubic unilateral orientation in the cubes of 216 themselves.

Click to enlarge

Here a cubic pyramid 36 cubes (1 + 8 + 27) of 216 per face of the cube, project in all six directions.

We can also do this with the cube of 37 minus its interior and the two pilot holes (in blue) for orientation.

You wouldn't be wrong if this looks to you like a cross.

And YES, this means the entirety of Scripture comes together to form the cross,

the very symbol of Christianity and the universal meaning of its systematic theology.

Similarly, we can do this with the 37th square pyramid:

And we can do this again with tetrahedrons, objects which are triangles in the third dimension:

The number of ways in which we can configure these various objects based on the number 37, is at least 120 unique configurations. But is more likely closer to 500,000 different unique configurations with these 37-based geometries. This is all due to the power combinatorics and how these geometries are interchangeable in the factors that make up 46,656.

15552 x 3 = 46,656

7776 x 2 = 15,552

5184 x 3 = 15,552

3888 x 2 = 7776

2594 x 2 = 5184

500,000 different unique 37-based geometries

If your Catholic don't worry. Currently biblical mathematics is narrowly focused on the Jewish-Protestant cannon of the OT & NT. Hopefully someday, some bright Catholic scholars will step in and show similar findings in the Catholic Bible. After all, its table of contents is even more Three-Seven based.


Want to get the latest discoveries in biblical mathematics? Then email johnelias@israelmail.com Subject Line: Updates!

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for the former lies on the surface and is easily seen,

while the latter lies in the depth, where few are willing to search for it."

—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe