John's Gospel Cube

The first seven verses of the Gospel of John are some of most famous and beautiful sentences in all the Bible. They are filled with poetry and powerfully profound theology. Incredibly, these seven iconic verses are also the most beautiful mathematical puzzle in the history of the world.

The key to this puzzle is found in the Iota subscript of the Greek language. The Iota subscript is a contraction of the Greek letter Iota, where the letter moves from its position at the end of a word to a subscript position beneath it. This does not mean that the letter is gone, it is only hidden.

When we include the subscript as a real letter at the end of a word we find then, that the first seven verses of John has exactly 343 letters. Now 343 is seven cubed or 7 x 7 x 7 which is a lot of sevens for the first seven verses of John. It also means that each verse averages seven squared.

If that were the end of it, it would still be worthy of note. But it is not the end; it is but the very beginning.

The mind of God is infinitely perfect just as His Word is pan-dimensionally perfect. A cube of letters exactly seven in every dimension is a beautiful object, however, to make it perfect, we must inflect it through an Order Seven Perfect Cube.

Perfect cubes, like magic squares, are complex mathematical objects, where sequential numbers are organized in such a fashion that they will produce equivalent sums in every direction.

Below is an Order Seven Perfect Cube, composed of the numbers 1- 343, organized such that every row, column and diagonal will always add up to the same number. That number is called the magic constant. The magic constant of an order seven perfect cube is 1204.

One must use some imagination to envision this cube, by imagining each square of numbers as a level of the cube.

In order to inflect the Greek here we must first convert it to number. In this instance, using the Greek ordinal, a numeration the Greeks use for indexing numbers, based upon the order of the letters in the alphabet. When we do this and replace every number from the original Perfect Cube with the number for the Greek letter’s position in the alphabet, we have solved the greatest mathematical puzzle in history.

When we highlight certain symmetrical shapes within this cube we can discover the secrets that God Himself hid there. The first is in the shape of a star, a three dimensional star. This star is composed of X’s in the x,y and z planes. That it is a star shape is of great importance, for it is encoded in the very sum of and Order Seven Perfect Cube, hidden in its prime factorization.

Sum of an Order Seven Perfect Cube = 58,896

(7 x 7 x 7) x 172 = 58,896

O Αστηρ Ιωαννου = The Star of John = 172

יוחנן כוכב = Star of John = 172

These puzzles employ the matrix of cells, as seen in the Order Seven Cube above. Once we have replaced the cardinal numbers with the Greek ordinal numbers, in perfect sequence with the ancient text and the mathematical pattern of the perfect cube, we can mathematically analyze the cells in this perfect configuration.

When we highlight these three X’s that sprout from the center, we see that if we stop just before the corners and keep the star within the box of the cube itself, that this internal star comes to the number of the Greek word for Logos. This is the famous Logos of John.

John 1:1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.

Λογος = Word = 373

Highlighted cells of the interior star = 373

Gazing at the cube below you will notice that the eight corner cells have also been highlighted. The reason for this is the second proof of the cube. For when we add the eight corner cells, extending the two longest lines, to complete our star, we find our sum has now become 443 since the 8 corners of the cube come to 70. This is highly significant, for the proper definitive article for Logos in Greek, is the letter O or omicron which has a value of 70. Thus the highlighted section below comes to 443, the value in Greek for ‘The Word.’

Ο Λογος = The Word = 443

We can see a similar pattern when we make X’s on every side of the cube. When we do this our sum comes to 1,373.

Λογος Κυριου = Word of the Lord = 1,373

When we make a cross on the configuration, this time making a historical cross and not a symmetrical cross we find another confirmation of the Christian God. Here we highlight the crossbeam on the third level, just above the middle plane. Since a cube is unidirectional we must calculate the sum looking at it vertically and horizontally.

Here the horizontal sum is 205, the sum of the name of Jesus Christ in the ordinal.

ΙΗΣΟΥΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ = Jesus Christ = 205

In these sorts of puzzles God typically likes to leave a signature in the form of the name of the Holy Ghost, that infinite perfect Spirit that was responsible for the creation of this puzzle as well as the inspiration of all the Holy Scriptures.

Here the formation is a three by three column with a cross in the middle. The three being a reference to the Trinity. Now we find the sum to be 1080, the number of the Holy Spirit in Greek.

το Πνευμα Aγιον = The Holy Spirit = 1080

The final proof here is absolute in its definitiveness. It does not require any gematria whatsoever. When we highlight a cross on every level we find that the sum is 1204. Now 1204 is the magic constant of an Order Seven Perfect Cube. The chances are exponentially remote that the chosen symbol and sign of the Christian God would sum to the magic constant of this cube. This was done so that there would be no doubt whatsoever that this feat of unimaginable providential organization was accomplished by none other than God himself.

Magic Constant of an Order Seven Cube = 1204

Sum of the Cross Section of John’s Cube = 1204

It is of further note that either axis of this cross also sum to important numbers. The horizontal crossbeam comes to 644, while the vertical upright comes to God’s favorite number 666.

Horizontal Crossbeam = 644

Εμμανουηλ = Emmanuel = 644

The 666 is a reference here to the flaming sword of Michael which warded the way to Eden in the Genesis account.

החרב להט ואת = And a flaming sword = 666

We know this is the reference because of what the entirety of that reference comes to from Genesis 3:24.

להט חרב המתהפכת = A flaming sword turned every way = 1204

Magic Constant of an Order Seven Cube = 1204

Sum of the Cross Section of John’s Cube = 1204


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"In the beginning was the word..."

— John