Nazareth Nesting Cubes

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Nazareth Nesting Cubes

One of the most complex patterns found in the first verse has to do with Nesting Cubes. Like the famous Russian nesting dolls that fit one within another, these cubes all fit within the name Jesus of Nazareth-2197. Due to the mathematics connected to the sum 2701, the sum of the first verse of the Bible, this means that the name Jesus of Nazareth can be found over three millions times in the math of Genesis 1:1 alone.

The name Jesus of Nazareth

can be found over three million times

in the math of Genesis 1:1 alone.

1351^2 - 1350^2 = 2701 = Genesis 1:1

As it turns out two such Nesting Cubes (1351 & 1350) come together in a variety of ways, producing a scintillating spectacle of awe-inspiring order all hidden within the name Jesus of Nazareth.

By counting every other counter of the Genesis 1:1 triangle we have a natural division of 1351 and 1350.

The meaning here, besides positive and negative (the union of all opposites) is found in the center of centers, the holy of holies, if you will. The empty spaces in center-most cube-1351 (the Ain or unmanifested) number 26, the number of the name of the Lord YHWH. Whereas the empty center of cube-1350 is 27 the Hebrew ordinal for Light, the Aur, where we get our words Aura and Aurora.

There are at least two basic ways T-73 splits into 1351 and 1350.

The highest complexity by far is produced by the pair of 'Nesting Cubes of Nesting Cubes' where every component of the nesting cube is itself another nesting cube, using the square function. This language of 'The Something of Something' is common to biblical Hebrew, where God is often referenced as the God of gods and the Lord of Lords.

These categories of empty and full are a mathematical categorization. A mathematician would recognize the pattern as fundamental to Set Theory. Here 1350 represents the empty or null set. It can also be seen as a form of binary logic, 0/1, the basis of computer programming languages.

The 2701st triangle also integrates this pattern. Here we can configure a T-73 triangle made of the nesting cube arrangement, or a nesting cube composed of T-73 triangles.

2701st Triangle = 3,649,051 = 1351 x 2701

The first iteration of the Logos Series of sequences creates a first verse equation similar to Nazareth Nesting Cubes, here however it is stars and hexagons, specifically 337 + (169 x 6) = 1351


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"A man who was completely innocent, offered himself as a sacrifice for the good of others,

including his enemies, and became the ransom of the world. It was a perfect act."

— Mahatma Gandi